60+ agreements in a span of 3 or 4 days

Not a complaint, and am glad my queue has cleared up…but… I am curious, is it normal for 60+ nominations to be agreed on within about 3 days? Granted, most of them was from the Global Edits challenge, but, I didn’t expect them to be approved with a few days.

If you read the standards in an unexplored area and know the material, that’s what you’ll find.

My local area isn’t unexplored, and the some of the edits have been in my queue for a few months. Not sure what you are on about.

I guess they put the jury panel in a place where there are no colleagues to review. Is what was approved a team or an AI?

If I understood correctly, they are talking about agreements on what they reviewed, not about their own nominations.

@P1dg3ySlayer did you mean agreements or acceptances? :slight_smile:

Acceptances on my nominations.

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Got it!

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It’s a bit unusual/unexpected.

Check to see if it was any “our team” meaning Niantic focused their efforts on clearing out the aged backlog. Or you just got lucky with a reviewer who suddenly ventured into your area and/or decided to review a little more and you were just one vote shy of resolution.


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This was from the Community… and the irony is, a lot of them were in the queue within 24 hours of them getting accepted / approved.


That’s a lot…obviously now Traitors has finished people have nothing better to do but review :joy::woman_shrugging:


I watched most of Traitors. The 3 original Traitors messed up big time.


I love Traitors.

I also had a load of edits from the challenge approved across a couple of days last week. Seems like they cleared the queue

All the emails said the community, but they were all so close together and frequent and high volume that they were definitely not normal approvals.

I think they are clearing backlog. I just got a bunch of notification too

Welcome to the community @TjoeMi. I would agree with you if this was a ML / Our Team agreement. It’s not beyond reason that they have a dedicated team going through the nominations and approving / rejecting them accordingly, but the speed at which they are done would suggest something else is at hand.

I still have a lot left from the challenge if they need something new to push.

I’ll get my voting army onto it! (Note to admin: I’m only kidding. I have no army!)


Well personally i have 6 approved poi nomination and 3 rejection just today. All from 3 months back. And i saw literally the majority rest of 3 months status changed to under niantic review

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