Appeal of rejected appeal - NAPE

Please provide:

  • A screenshot of your nomination, including rejection reasons if it has already been rejected

  • Include the title, description, both photos, and supplemental information
  • Copy and paste the title, description and supplemental so others can translate them
  • Title: NAPE
  • Description: NAPE (Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Public and Private Employees) is the largest union in the province, representing over 25,000 employees from public service government employees to the tradespeople that power everything.
  • Supplemental info: NAPE regularly contributes to charity causes throughout the province, and is one of the top champions for political activism with regards to the workplace, particularly for women. They offer numerous scholarships and conferences, such as the Women’s Conference and the Young Worker’s Conference.
  • If you feel comfortable please share the location, as it is helpful (i.e. hidden duplicates), but you can mask it if you wish.
  • Location: 330 Portugal Cove Pl, St. John’s, NL A1A 4Y5, Canada

The conjecture that the photos I submitted on October 27, 2019 were from a third-party is ludicrous, of course, because I took them. Here are screenshots of the images with associated metadata.

The photo you used does appear to be on Google Maps:

Whilst you may have taken them yourself, the fact they already exist on the internet means they will show up in reverse image searches, and Niantic reviewers will have seen this and have no way of telling that the person who uploaded them to Google Maps is the same as the person trying to upload them to Wayfarer.

There were a couple of instances of this being reported on the old forum, and in those cases the advice was basically to not use the same photos that you’re uploading to other websites for wayspot images.

Also, even if the image wasn’t a potential issue, your nomination needs to be a great place to socialise, exercise or explore, and I’m not sure a union would meet any of those criteria personally.


Yes, I had this happen to me once. I nominated a local Thai restaurant, and the community rejected it. I posted in the forums to get more info about why it may have been rejected and what else I could do. I made the mistake of posting the full, original photo for the main photo in the forums, so when I did appeal it, it was rejected for third-party photo. I later posted about this and provided screenshots that I did take the photo on my phone, and the decision was reversed.

Just in the future, when submitting new Wayspots or new photos for existing Wayspots, if you want to add photos later to another website, do wait until the submissions have been decided upon. Many of my photo submissions I later upload to Google Maps, but only after they have been accepted by Wayfarer.

I also have to wornder if this is a union meeting hall, or if it’s the office headquarters for the union. You don’t mention if it’s a union meeting hall, which may be a good place to socialize, just that it’s a union, that it represents a large number of employees, and does charity work. Nothing to me says this is a great place to be social/exercise/explore.

Here is an example of a union meeting hall in my area. It’s a meeting hall for a few different unions, with AFL-CIO and IBEW being 2 that regularly meet there. If this is a place for the union to socialize as well as organize, which may meet the explore criteria, that should be noted.

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