Imperial Dragon Bento
34.754439, -92.340612
Little Rock
United States of America
While inside Pei Wei Asian Kitchen, I used the Pano function for the first time on my iPhone to do the best to show the inside of the restaurant. What was nominated and accepted was okay then. However, I spoke with the person in charge of the store several years ago since an employee didn’t know what the photo was. He said that used to be here but hasn’t been in several years. I didn’t edit what he said besides paraphrasing since he actually said several years (several years ago) perhaps in 2019.
Will you please search these pano photos for what is not there and retire this Wayspot when you cannot locate what is not there and has not been scanned as a result. I have to delete those tasks in Pokemon GO since that cannot be completed. While this remains in any game, I still use the Wayspot but wish one that is not truthfully there removed.