Wayspot Title: Roof Hanging
Location: 31.229511,121.521144
City: Shanghai
Country: China
Screenshot of the Rejection Email:
Photo on file:
The Wayspot is the glass ceiling of a mall, with some decoration hanging from the top. You can see a glass dome above the glass ceiling.
Current geotagged photos show that the class ceiling has been blocked and the decoration removed.
Outside the mall:
Ceiling of the region (now a restaurant), the glass part is blocked:
Photo from the second floor, the ceiling region has been sealed off:
I don’t quite understand. The art still seems to be there from your current photos, and the vertical plane the art is in is still accessible. Is that incorrect?
The translate feature doesn’t work on an image, so I don’t know what your email says. Are you appealing a removal request?
Maybe the Niantic reviewers weren’t sure if it’s permanently closed, or if it’s being cleaned and repaired.
It is hard to get things removed. They want to be sure.
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Thank you for submitting your Wayspot report on Roof Hanging on November 13, 2024. Niantic has decided not to accept your Wayspot report submission. Any changes made based on reporting may take up to 48 hours to appear in Niantic products using this Wayspot....
This looks like the text from rejected removal request email.
I was once accused of “re-purposing” a Wayspot when editing, so I now have to take Wayspot titles quite literally to avoid this accusation.
The title says “Roof Hanging”, so I have to consider it as referring the “hanging” decorations on the glass ceiling, not the glass dome structure above.
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So the dangling things are gone? I couldn’t quite tell that in your photos. Thank you for clearing that up and good luck with your appeal.
Thanks for the appeal, @tonygaosh. After reviewing the additional evidence provided, we’ve decided to retire the Wayspot in question.