Can someone help me figure out what I can put in the appeal to make it valid?

Sorry for my bad English, I’m using Google Translate.

The place is inside a university and the goals are attached to the ground, even the field has lighting.

Description: Sports Field of the National Pedagogical University.

Coordinates: 26.048423,-98.303986

Additional information: It is a field with natural grass where various sports are usually played such as football, tochito, etc. The place is open to the public to be enjoyed and to play the challenges, in addition to having a rest area under the trees to watch the games. The place can be better appreciated from the satellite view.

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Hello! Welcome to the forums.

No need to apologize, this forum is open to all. If you feel more comfortable posting in your native language, the forum offers speakers of other languages a translate button so that they can translate your post into their native language. I am replying in English, so hopefully this translates into something that makes sense… :sweat_smile:

I looked at your nomination and unfortunately, I can understand why it was rejected. Please keep in mind that I am not saying the field doesn’t exist there, but there are several factors that are working against you in getting this approved.

I googled the National Pedagogical University and the only entry I could find was approximately 760 km South of the field you are nominating. There is no indication that there is a campus in the area of your nomination and that the field is attached to the University. There may be, but I wasn’t able to find any.

There is no indication from Google Satelite that there is a football pitch is located there. If you were able to get a supporting photo with a GPS stamp embedded in the photo that showed the football pitch, it would help your cause in proving that it exists.

There is also a lack of Google Streetview in the area as well. Which is hurting the reviewer’s ability to confirm the existence of the field as well.

My suggestion to you would be to find an app for your device that can embed GPS coordinates into a photo you can take with your device and use that for your supporting photo, and renominate this. Your main photo is solid enough, so you shouldn’t need to change that.

Also, I would find a website that indicates that the University that you are referencing has a campus there, with the address listed as well. It will help your cause when you renominate it.

If you wish to appeal this, you can go that route. I would suggest downloading the Scanniverse app and creating a scan of the field. When you do that, you can share it on the map and create a link you can use to send to the Wayfarer team when you appeal the nomination. This way they can see the scan of the field, and its location, and use that information to verify that it is where you say it is.

I wish you good luck with whichever route you decide to take.


This is such a good idea. Think this will help rural areas nominations get approved more often to scan them. Just one question how do I put the scan into my nomination? Since no URL links etc aren’t allowed. Because I happyly scan to show Niantic my nomantinas is real

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You shouldn’t use your scan for nominations just yet because your scan will have your username attached.

The team said they are working towards having an option to upload without the username attached so we can, but until that happens the username could be considered “Attempting to influence reviewers” and could be considered abuse.

So hold off on using them for nominations at the moment.


Thank you, I will keep an open eye for what is the development of this. But I can continue scanning. Because I enjoy it. Just not use the scans as motivation for POI