Historical Plaque Removal Appeal

When submitting a Wayspot Appeal, make sure to include as much of the following information as possible:

Wayspot Title: The John T. Andrews Gates

Location (lat/lon): 8 Main St, Penn Yan, NY 14527, USA. Approximately 42.659778,-77.053222

City: Penn Yan (NY)

Country: USA

Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information): N/A

Additional Information (if any): This wayspot was recently removed from the map. Not sure what the submitter’s reason could be but it has pedestrian access and while it has a no trespassing sign below it’s in reference to past the historical plaque on to the bridge/ past the gates. (A historical plaque with small font would probably not be up somewhere the public are not allowed.) At the bottom of the steps across from this plaque the is another wayspot “Keuka Outlet Trail”. Please see attached photos.

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