I Would Like to Utilize Scaniverse/Splat for Nomination

Scaniverse* has the potential and benefits of replacing Google Street View/Photo Sphere. There should be a way to effectively use splat for nomination without violating the Wayspot Criteria. I don’t have room to discuss with moderators and ambassadors about using splat?

*The following is written as splat

If you don’t state that it’s the splat you posted at the time of nomination, from the reviewer’s point of view, “Strictly speaking, whether the splat poster and the nomination person are the same is not in the realm of strong speculation.” I can. Therefore, I don’t think it violates the Rejection Criteria unless I confess in supporting information that I posted splat myself. Currently, the map of Scaniverse is still in its infancial period, so there are few splat posters, and it is easy to guess that the person who submitted splat and nomination is the same person. However, due to the small number of Wayfarer users, it has been possible to make strong guesses of nominators for a long time from Google Maps, street views, habits of writing and photos, and addresses. Is it necessary to over-problem only Scaniverse/Splat? I think it’s enough for the reviewer to pretend not to know who the nomination is as usual, and if the nomination pays a little attention to how to write supporting information Isn’t it okay to use splat for nomination? What do moderators and everyone think?

I used machine translation. I hope it makes sense :pray:t2:



From what I have gathered splats are supplemental towards helping with keeping the wayspot database accurate and helping with removals or other things that need an closer look that a niantic reviewer is handling for the wayfarer side of things. Wayspots still need a basic photo for the submission.

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What I would like to discuss is whether it is allowed to include a shared link (URL) of splat in the supporting information by paying close attention not to falling under the Rejection Criteria.

Right now, being that Scaniverse does list your username when you click on the link, it may not be the best to use these for nominations. Someone could see this as including personal info in your nomination and maybe reject it.

Appeals and removal requests are different, as with appeals here on the forums, you’re already posting your username, and the splats are only really being used by the appeals team to verify the info provided. Removal requests only get seen by staff, so don’t really see any issues there.

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My best suggestion would be to give the Scaniverse team feedback about the need for an option for sharing splat links that doesn’t display your Niantic name if you’d like to eventually use them in your supporting info. Until they implement this option, it’s a bit of a deal breaker because as said above it is 100% identifying. They can of course be used in interactions that are between you and Niantic such as help chat requests and appeals.

I’m sure you are not the only one who would like to see these more integrated and it’s a great suggestion, but I would also keep scans totally optional at this time :slight_smile:


I like doing the scaniverse scans and would like to use them to show the object, and its surrounding location. There are several instances when a single supporting photo is just not enough. And the location data is also very useful.
I used to create photospheres because of this issue. I was aware that the photosphere might contain a name that made me as the submitter identifiable, and would occasionally see names I recognised.
It is this aspect that there are concerns over.
As a reviewer I would be very happy to look at a splat to help see the location, and would welcome it.
I think raising it in the scaniverse forums is a good idea. I hope that it can be solved.


I am one of those who enjoys the scaniverse.
I understand the Ambassador’s and others opinions and I think it should be done.
However I just think it’s a bad joke that using the same company’s service is a violation, the same thing won’t happen when using google maps on Android.

I already suggested the anonymous option in the scaniverse community.

I would like to thank kowloonsgt for helping me with my communication and English language difficulties. I want anyone else with similar opinions or with novel ideas that can solve this problem to visit the scaniverse community too.

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I do not want Splats to become mandatory, or even expected, for nominations, though. I have no interest in learning how to do them. I have an Android phone, so I may not even be able to do them.

Hmm… Is someone who does not have the app able to see the splats?

I think they could be option, if someone thought it was appropriate.
But they do need to tackle the issue that the submitter is identifiable first. So a way of enabling the splat without being able to see who made it. Until that is in place then unfortunately they can’t be used for nominations.

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Splats can be shared via a link and then be viewed on any device

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With Street View photospheres we would just drop them on the map instead of having to link them, so it wasn’t as directly calling out that “I made this.” Back in the day, reviewers were shown Street View first, and would be shown a photosphere if it existed. I had so many nominations rejected because of a prolific professional photographer dropping so many well-done photospheres with no regard to accuracy that I am inclined to be leary of anything that individuals can place. But if there were an option in the review to see if any splats have been placed, that could be a work around for explorers who want to place them.

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Thank you all for your constructive opinions. Now let’s see who works faster, the Scaniverse team or the Wayfarer team. There are two legitimate solutions that I came up with after listening to your suggestions.

:one: Add a function to hide and share account names in Scaniverse’s Splat

:two: Add the note “Excluding the account name displayed on Scaniverse’s splat” to No. 4 of the Rejection Criteria

The solution I personally recommend is :two:

I think it’s a good idea, what do you think? I can’t wait to use Scaniverse! You’re all the same, aren’t you? :grin::grin::grin:


I think it is extremely nonsensical that Niantic has developed a feature that is so beneficial to the services operated by Niantic, yet Niantic is regulating its use by itself :woman_shrugging:t2:


The problem with 2 is that you have seen the name of the person and therefore could be influenced by it.
As a general principle it is important to keep that. So it is not just about a way of rejecting but the logic and reasoning as to why its not acceptable. So option 2 is not possible.
I can understand why it doesn’t seem to make sense. However the 2 products were not developed at the same time to work in harmony. So until scaniverse becomes compliant with Wayfarer we have to work with what we have.
It doesn’t work currently for nominations
It does work for appeals, removals etc


Absolutely! It’s number 8 of the Rejection Criteria! If you rewrite my :two: like this, it will be solved :wink::sparkles:

:two: Add the note “Excluding the account name displayed on Scaniverse’s splat” to No. 4 & 8 of the Rejection Criteria

It’s time to end my obsession…
In conclusion, because of my OP, I can no longer use Scaniverse for nomination. I’m really sorry. Just being able to use splat to appeal is not enough for those who are really in trouble. There are only 2 rights to appeal once every 20 days. Nominates are restored once a day, and up to 40 times can be submitted at once. If it can only be used for appeal, the number of times is too small. I hope that Scaniverse can be used for nominations without the risk of violating Criteria as soon as possible, regardless of the means. I’m tired of waiting! :weary:


As you know I like scaniverse.
But for this sort of use we are all going to have to be patient.
Some occasional reminders in the scaniverse forums is the best way forward.

