Invalid wayspot: temporary wall

When submitting a Wayspot Appeal, make sure to include as much of the following information as possible:

  • Wayspot Title: Welcome to Oakridge Mural
  • Location (lat/lon): 37.252265,-121.861324
  • City: San Jose, CA
  • Country: US
  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information):


  • Additional Information (if any):

When I first saw this temporary wall in the mall had been painted with a mural, I knew someone would nominate it. sigh

This first image is the wayspot image, carefully crafted to hide the fact that it is a temporary wall:

But, as we can see, it is actually a temporary wall, which by definition, cannot be permanent:

This particular corner in the mall has been problematic. See a discussion about a previous temporary wall mural at this same location in Invalid Wayspot: Oakridge "Citrus Valley" Mural

Amusingly enough, both murals and the nearby legitimate one called “The Garden City: San José Mural” were all done by the same artist. They get a lot of work from this mall!

Thanks for the appeal, @nexushoratio. We took another look at the Wayspot in question and decided that it does not meet our criteria for removal at this time.

So what I am hearing is: Wayspots do not have to be permanent to be valid.

No, appeal decisions are not to be taken as criteria clarifications.

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But, if I proven that a portal was purposefully misrepresented as being permanent, and is indeed temporary, then leaving it sends a strong signal that particular criteria in unimportant.

So, whether Niantic means for it to be, it certainly acts like a criteria clarification.

In short, actions matter more than words.

Removal criteria is not the same as submitting criteria.

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As seen from the rejection email, (maybe only obvious to Niantic employees?), that came from reporting abuse, where they, for some reason I do not understand, redirected me here.

So, this is not an appeal about a removal, but an appeal about abuse. Making it about acceptance criteria.

If they redirected you here, then they probably did not consider it abuse. Which in of itself is a seperate barrier.