Looking for off the wall suggestions

Why? If i have a small dog, i would like to know that it has a safe place to go.

My small dog (12 lbs chiweenie) preferred the big dog side all of the time.

Granted, his brother was an 80 lbs pittie, but still…

A shared enclosure does not imply it is unsafe.

But there is a distinction. If they are fenced separately, they can be 2 different POI. Just because you don’t see a need for them to be separate (and choose not to follow the rules of the dog park) that doesn’t mean you get to decide for everyone else that it’s only 1 POI.

Where does it say that one dog park, with a fence dividing it into two sections, counts as two POIs?

If they were separate structures, sure, maybe. According to city site for the locations I have in mind, it is considered “one dog park with two areas”.

They’re not even separated by a path like the guidance that allows for separate big-kig/little-kid playgrounds POIs.

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Where is the guidance that says it is not 2 POI? I look at it like separately fenced tennis courts which are alllowed to be separate POI. But also, the guidance on playgrounds for big and small kids simply says that the areas need to be “clearly divided”, it doesn’t say there needs to be a path separating them. A fence is a clear dividing mechanism.

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I look at it like two tennis courts inside the same fence - they’re still distinct sports courts (or dog parks), so they’re both eligible.

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can be nominated

Can, not must.

Correct, but the fact that they can be accepted means to me that someone fighting to make them a single POI might be doing so from a sense of gatekeeping. Having only 1 POI when Niantic says 2 are allowed to exist serves no purpose to the map or games.

What I am finding in my area is many potential nominations that were never nominated. Likely because of distancing rules and/or due to another POI in the area. One small park had four duplicate wayspots placed strategically around to fill in areas. Oddly the basektball court, tennis court, playgrounds etc were not ever nominated. They are not in the lightship database. They all had one of these duplicate benches placed in their spots. So I use my time to clean up the areas and submit some of the ones there while waiting for the reports.
There was a ww2 monument for a ship that was sunk not submitted, as well as some playgrounds, a hockey rink (which has seen NHL players visit and/or coach) etc. Not to mention that things are constantly changing, mosaics go up or new places are built. I definitely find more interesting things while I am out wandering.
As well, many places as stated above are putting in areas for employees to sit outside, socialize, or exercise.
Don’t rule out the benches. I happen to enjoy looking different ones up and seeing if that person made an impact on the community in some way.
Plaza signs - is that in the top 10? In my area you wouldn’t think so. I started nominating some although the voting takes awhile. ML doesn’t pick them up here.