New waypoints being used for max raids

I just submitted three in occupied cells but I guess I’ll never know until I know if that makes sense🙃

Do you know of any spacing rules which would make it easier to determine if and when the map synchs?

I couldn’t see any discernible patterns but it’s tricky with how they shift from live to gone.

The prevailing theory is level 19 s2 cells.


I have seemed to notice a 2 day up, 2-3 day down pattern, but I’m also in a rural area with most Power Spots being at businesses/apartment buildings. It could be different in a more urban area.

The Dollar General store, which is a chain here in the US, seems to have a Power Spot for 2 days, then it’s gone for 2-3 days, then back after that.


Ive been trying to submit some local restaurants and cafes - they’re all in a row down the high street and the cells are already full, but I figured they might be useful as valid, real, current max spots at public locations :laughing: will have to see what happens.

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Does anyone know why Overture maps looks and feels like a pile of dog Sh1T?

Is there no way to get the exact lat/lon of something?


I think getting accurate co ordinates has proved problematic.
In my area quite a few are placed on a line that goes down the centre of a road :thinking:

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Lots of mine are in the road too!

If I was being mean I could ask you both to go and stand in the middle of the road.

Don’t worry though that only happens in Brazil.

I have to walk in the middle road anyways as cars block the pavement :roll_eyes:

But yes the placement leads something to be desired.

If I find a Powerspot, this for instance

Cement Trading…

There is no way to see an exact location?

Maybe I’m missing something?

Not Wayfarer related but a handy app I’ve found in UK is the Love Clean Streets app for things like that.

Does a report for things like cars blocking the way, fly tipping etc. and sends it off to the local council wherever you’re reporting it from.

Does it say if it’s ok to throw those bikes in an alley?

Mod edit.

I think thats a London problem I lost count of tripping over those whilst there. I should be able to walk along a pavement in a world of my own (well playing a game ) and not have to be worrying about trip hazards. :joy:
I have reported the blocked pavements ad nauseum and our local councilor knows about the issues.
Anyway enough digression.

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If you kick them they make a cool siren noise for 120 seconds.

Reporting these POIs as private residential property doesn’t seem to have much effect, ones I have reported are still there.

On the plus side, it does mean that wayspots I’d previously not submitted due to proximity might actually appear in PoGo as whatever the heck these things are. I’d sooner have properly curated wayspots rather than some low-quality database full of crud.


Reporting doesn’t seem to have much effect right now. There are several I have reported for different reasons that still pop up. When I go to report them again, I’m told I already submitted a report.

I really don’t think a photographer has their business in the middle of an Interstate highway…


Lol, yeah there’s lots of businesses in the middle of roads here as well

None of my reported ones have gone either, they re appear on a rotation it seems.

Ive also made a point of trying to submit more cafes and restaurants that wouldn’t be visible in any game but might make a good max spot

Overworld is such a mess with the proliferation of these and the closed ones🥴

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