Please add 'Report Photo' option to the in-game Wayspot

There are lots of bad accepted Wayspot photos out there, some outdated, some contrasted and filtered to the point that they will induce headaches, some with very readable license plates, some with people’s faces in them for no reason, etc etc - and removing them one by one by sending mails back and forth through Report Wayfarer Abuse email/form (or however people deal with this?) is too much work for everyone involved.

I suggest it should be added to the in-game Wayspots instead, the option to report photo and request removal.

I don’t know where this suggestion/encouragement should go so I am just posting it here and hoping it will reach the right people.

Thank you.


I get what you are saying and it would be helpful for us to be able to report in-game photos with watermarks, people, animals, personal custom flags, etc in them without having to go to the website all the time.

In Ingress we can report Invaild Portals for No Pedestrian Access, Emergency Services, PRP, K-12, Permanently removed from location and as a duplicate.

We can also have the choice of editing titles, location and descriptions but when it comes to photos we only have the choice of adding photos either via taking a photo or by adding one from our photo library.

In Pokemon Go we can report Pokestops for Not suitable for AR, Unsafe Access, Senstitive Location, Location does not exist, Abusive content, PRP, K-12, Duplicate and also have a Supporting Statment box. We also can edit title, location, desription, add photo and location catergory providing that we are in range of the Pokestop.

But if we Wayfarers were to be given the choice to report Wayspot photos in-game should it be in the game’s Report Invalid Portal/Report Pokestop section or in the game’s Photo section?

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Some are thinking that choosing abusive content, then leaving a comment, in PoGo will be the new way to go about reporting such stuff. However, Ingress doesn’t have this option yet, and Niantic hasn’t confirmed anything about how to use this option, except to request a Wayspot removal. Besides, a watermark with the date and time or make of the phone isn’t abusive, just ineligible.

Help chat is the only option right now to request removal of an ineligible photo. I’ve never had to do it, but there are others who do onva regular basis. So some in-game option would be nice to have. I do think it should be separate from Wayspot removal, as the Wayspot may still be eligible.

When 80% of in game reports are rejected… how is that any better… if anything its gonna add an extra step to the process by requiring it to be reported in game first then coming here with the rejection email :sweat_smile:

Yeah, I agree, I don’t like the idea of reporting ineligible photos via Wayspot removal. Again, I’ve never used help chat to request a photo removal, but there are those that do right now, but I bet it’s low, just like 10m or more location moves.

Hi! I don’t know about GO but in Ingress I’d expect it to be under the Edit menu. Just like we can report for removal of the Wayspot itself, I think it’d make great sense to have another option added to request removal of a single portal/Wayspot (or more, but probably one by one).
To me it would be the natural place to put it. But there may be things I haven’t considered.

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Hi. What do you mean, choosing abusive content, then leaving a comment?
I agree that ineligible content does not equal abuse, but why not add the option to remove the ineligible content? Not the whole Wayspot, but the photo for instance.
Only problem I see if there is only one photo and it is not eligible.

I personally try to report “bad” Wayfarer content when I have the time and energy. I’m doing that not to be a nitpick or cause trouble, but I really think a good “clean” Wayfarer map is what we should strive for.

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Hi. I don’t think the current shortcomings of the Wayfarer system should keep us from trying to add improvements. Rather we should work towards a better reporting system, for instance by adding a text box for describing the report and the reasoning behind it. Perhaps even photos or AR-scans (we all know how much Niantic likes AR :sweat_smile:)
Also I am quite positive photos would be easier to have removed, since the ones we would report would not be up for discussion as much as locations Niantic can’t visit or know anything about. It’s much easier for them so say: Yes, this is indeed an ineligible photo because of the watermark/filter/whatever. :slightly_smiling_face:

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There are a few submitters in my area who feel every single Wayfarer photo they submit should be filtered til the point where it hurts your eyes to look at. Many of the photos look very distorted and fake because of the contrast being manipulated. I contacted help chat by the link here and added a looooot of screenshots. They removed a lot of them, but this was just the tip of the iceberg, and just to save everyone some time also, adding an in-game option would be much easier to work with.

and if a waypoint has 20 photos… how are you going to single one out?

You call it an improvement i call it a disprovement :sweat_smile:. If I could bypass the game altogether for every single type of report, I would. Having to report in game, regardless of Niantics ability to precess them correctly is not simpler for me. It’s way easier for me to do at home, on PC, with all the tools at my disposal to screenshot, link copy paste any info I can add to the report.

I may not give Niantic credit for everything always, but even I trust they would be able to add a ‘Select photo’ click option.

That’s fair enough. I naturally take it you’ve never needed to mass report something/someone.
For me and I trust for a very large part of Wayfarer users who actually do other Wayfarer-related activitites besides just submit stuff and review, I am fairly certain that this change would come in very handy and smoothen the overall experience a LOT.
But each to their own, of course.

On the contrary, I specialize in mass reporting. Have compiled many reports. A pioneer in reporting back in the old forums.

Ok then. :sweat_smile: I take it you like writing lots of emails and what not back and forth. Personally I would like to spend more time on exploring instead, when it could so easily be put into system with the reports.
I know it would take some building on the current menus, but I’m convinced it’s worth it.
There are several ‘pioneers’ out there and we may prefer different tools for the work (imagine if it didn’t have to be work btw! :star_struck:)

One simple email is all it takes. Much easier on my time than going to visit each waypoint and report it individually.

It really isn’t all it takes. Just in the latest case I dealt with there are still so many more photos out there that should be removed, but I ran out of breath honestly.
And I have to say those types of emails are not simple.
But you prefer your way and I prefer the way I described so can we just agree on disagreeing?

You could collate all that information in one report.

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I think what comes out here (and in other topics) is that some actions that Wayfinders want to do around helping to keep the database in good order are not always intuitive especially about where to find them.

Sometimes you might want to quick report something because you are out and about and it’s raining. :roll_eyes: You are not going to remember to do it when home.
Sometimes you might be able to do this at home when you have time to do it. :sunglasses:

Many wayfinders might have to do this very rarely so you need it to be intuitive or it doesn’t get done.
The fact that there are regular questions here of the How do I do this ….type hints that things could be designed better.


Exactly, thank you!