POI located on private property

When submitting a Wayspot Appeal, make sure to include as much of the following information as possible:

  • Wayspot Title: Två gungor

  • Location (lat/lon): 59.33002,18.273427

  • City: Stockholm

  • Country: Sweden

  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information):

  • Additional Information (if any): This POI is located on private property. As seen in the following pictures, these are the only two entrances to the area this swing is located on and not publicly available. Moreover, it’s not “official” in the sense that the municipality put it there, but rather looks like something you can buy at any decent toy- or hardware store.

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Olá, se estiver localizado dentro de um condomínio que uma comunidade tenha acesso, mesmo que não seja para todos, ele é válido.

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This is clearly a single family private residence.

Quantas pessoas pode-se considerar como pequena comunidade? E se nessa casa morarem mais de 5 pessoas? Para ser considerado como pequena comunidade precisam ser pessoas de famílias diferentes? (É realmente uma dúvida que gostaria de esclarecer)

Maybe someone else can answer for places outside the US, but in the US, a single-family residential property is a zoning term meaning a house on its own plot that is owned, typically by one person or a couple. It doesn’t matter if the people who live in the house are related or how many live there. It’s the fact that the house it on its own plot, and the house is not subdivided into multiple living units (apartments, for example).

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As far as I know it’s a house split down the middle belonging to 1 family/tenant for each half. This can be verified by looking on Google Maps and each of the mailboxes in the pictures.

However, it doesn’t change the fact that the land is only accessible to them via these two entry points and not the general public, ergo it’s on private property.

correct. Very nuanced based on what country you live in. It will be governed by National, State (if you have ones) and down to local government planning. And each building complex may have its own set of rules/regulations owners, renters and people accessing have to abide by (comply with).

Where I live and have lived my flat in 3 story building and my flat in high rise are private single family residence. The access to the building, its facilities etc
are governed by the laws of the land and will have specific rules and regulations that denote the private nature of the building.

So very nuanced. Will need an understanding that this Wayfarer “rule” is US centric (relates to a court case rumour has it but I do not know) - and that while other countries may have a different legal view others may have the same.

However and this is the kicker. Niantic terms clearly state that any nominations and review of it is subject to the laws of the land and associated rules/regulations that apply to the place of nomination. The onus is on us to understand those. And it means that there is an acceptance by Niantic that rules/laws differ depending on where you are.

Which does not make it easy for us!!! And when Niantic run global challenges things get accepted by people from different countries according to those beliefs. So does not take long for things to go pear shaped :slight_smile: Let alone those that will work what is working in one country to be an excuse for their own etc etc.

FUN! :wink:

Thanks for the appeal, @Velasthur. After reviewing the additional evidence provided, we’ve decided to retire the Wayspot in question.