POI/Waypoint rejected

So, i proposed this pre-historic cave, still used in a cerimonius-religious way to the town and on a trekking trial through a valley, and it got rejected (no reason provided except the copy and paste from the machine),

Grottone/Annaro di Sant’Egidio
Dove si pensa ci fosse passato il Santo Egidio, e l’acqua ivi presente servi alla popolazione come sorta di acqua benedetta che faceva miracoli. Era tradizione andarci e mettere delle canne a forma di croce sulla superficie nella grotta con il Maestro Sauro e la Maestra Anna Profili all’epoca.
La struttura intagliata d’epoca sicuramente pre-faliscia, e di estremamente rilievo simbolico per il comune di Corchiano, i cittadini in segno di pegno verso il santo, ne facevano tappa, e vi porgevano/chiedevano dei miracoli o richieste al santo pellegrino. Sant’Egidio

Something is clearly not right imo, murales of a random shop (or worse, a murales under a bridge or far away from society)((or made less than 2 years ago), that could be closed tomorrow, “yeh lets do it”, a pre-historic cave, that you need exercise and you go through a valley, has thousands years of history “naah cant do”.

I would thank for any answer,
And also for your time provided to me,


Please provide:

  • A screenshot of your nomination, including rejection reasons if it has already been rejected
  • Include the title, description, both photos, and supplemental information
  • Copy and paste the title, description and supplemental so others can translate them
  • If you feel comfortable please share the location, as it is helpful (i.e. hidden duplicates), but you can mask it if you wish.

The rejection reason does matter. If it was “Wayfarer criteria” and the email said “our team” instead of the “community,” then this was most likely rejected by the ML (machine learning ai) model. The model usually rejects (or accepts!) around 20-24 hours after making the nomination - upload later can affect that time frame. I would think that ML would have trouble with this nomination since there is nothing clearly manmade there to detect. Your only choice on this one may be to appeal to human reviewers. You get 2 appeals, each on a 20 day timer before you can use it again.

Please get more advice about how to present the appeal before making it. If you have any links you can give the appeals team as evidence of this statement, it will help prove the significance.

I personally love this.

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It says the copy and paste “Our team” and it is copy and pasted from the 5s rejected other ones, so its the ML.
It is strange to me tbh, something that it is history gets rejected (and its clearly made from human hands as you can see the sculpure of the cave).
Thanks Cyndiepooh, appreciated :slight_smile:

Welcome to the forum, and I hope you can get this accepted! It is a fascinating story.

The ML model has been an amazing help in approving easy nominations and rejecting stuff like blank screens and selfies, but something like this needs a human eye, I think.