So, i proposed this pre-historic cave, still used in a cerimonius-religious way to the town and on a trekking trial through a valley, and it got rejected (no reason provided except the copy and paste from the machine),
Grottone/Annaro di Sant’Egidio
Dove si pensa ci fosse passato il Santo Egidio, e l’acqua ivi presente servi alla popolazione come sorta di acqua benedetta che faceva miracoli. Era tradizione andarci e mettere delle canne a forma di croce sulla superficie nella grotta con il Maestro Sauro e la Maestra Anna Profili all’epoca.
La struttura intagliata d’epoca sicuramente pre-faliscia, e di estremamente rilievo simbolico per il comune di Corchiano, i cittadini in segno di pegno verso il santo, ne facevano tappa, e vi porgevano/chiedevano dei miracoli o richieste al santo pellegrino. Sant’Egidio
Something is clearly not right imo, murales of a random shop (or worse, a murales under a bridge or far away from society)((or made less than 2 years ago), that could be closed tomorrow, “yeh lets do it”, a pre-historic cave, that you need exercise and you go through a valley, has thousands years of history “naah cant do”.
I would thank for any answer,
And also for your time provided to me,
Please provide:
- A screenshot of your nomination, including rejection reasons if it has already been rejected
- Include the title, description, both photos, and supplemental information
- Copy and paste the title, description and supplemental so others can translate them
- If you feel comfortable please share the location, as it is helpful (i.e. hidden duplicates), but you can mask it if you wish.