Pools in Apartment Complex

Te envio un mensaje privado pero la respuesta la daré aquí para dar una respuesta pública a tu duda ^^


oops i didn’t see the “reply” at the top under the welcome to the community banner. you are in good hands! and welcome =)

Okay so to sum up, the question was related to a building where people book a “house” during the vacations and they have access to the pool that is for the people who are living there or staying in that vacations. So yes, it’s still valid.


Ooh, that’s exactly what we did for Madrid Go Fest, and the apartment block had a pool, a bar, and a gym (we didnt use the gym), and it was a wonderful place to socialise!! I should have submitted it I guess, but I was too tired to think :laughing:

Yep, should have explained it like that haha. Thanks for the quick answer! :heart:

Sounds like a condominium aka condo. People own the units - some live there, and some rent out their units by the week or whatever. The condominium owners association might not want wayspots in their common area, but Niantic’s stance is that they can be put there until the property owner complains.

Would be nice if this was followed, but lately I am getting everything at apartment buildings rejected as private residential property, in spite of the rule there. Even Niantic isn’t following their own rule and rejected appeals of such.

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