Power Spot Madness

Only me.

Now is it me or do these new Power Spots go against all things Wayfarer. ? They aren’t accurately placed, some are businesses, some are even Nurserys… One was on a Builders Merchants Yard and some are on Private Property.

Now it seems these have been randomly pulled from Google Maps Pins of random places on the map. Especially ones that are home based businesses that people have marked on Google.

Some are also legit hidden non inclusive Waypoints that you don’t see due to Inclusion rules.

Is this all intentional? Is it permanent?

Someone may have a big problem on their hands soon. Especially walking into Yards with live machinery.


Ps. I’m probably not the first to raise this opinionitve view, I’m not moaning or anything, it’s just we put all this effort in following the criteria etc etc and Niantic just plaster the map with these Spots. :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil::man_juggling::man_juggling::man_juggling:

Wheres my Picard Gif


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: New waypoints being used for max raids