Restoration Request: Treebank Little Library

  • Wayspot Title: Treebank Little Library
  • Location (lat/lon): 48.449425, -123.417311
  • City: Esquimalt
  • Country: Canada
  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information): N/A
  • Additional Information (if any):

This Little Free Library (LFL) does not meet any of the removal criteria listed in-game:

  1. Unsafe access: there is a sidewalk directly in front of the library (see Streetview (out of date as the LFL wasn’t there then, but shows the sidewalk)) and recent photos below.
  2. Sensitive location: N/A
  3. Location does not exist: The library is there, per the photos below (with metadata) and the original Wayspot photo.
  4. Abusive content: N/A
  5. PRP: The LFL is located on a retaining wall, which is on land belonging to the Municipality of Esquimalt (see screenshots below showing PRP (orange) lines and curb (light grey) lines). A direct link is unavailable, but the municipal GIS map is available here.
  6. School (K-12): N/A
  7. Duplicate: N/A

Per the Victoria Placemaking Network LFL map, the correct name of this LFL is “Beehive Books”; it appears the library was constructed from an old beehive. The pin for the library is not in exactly the correct location, but there are an additional two photos included with its listing.

I am unsure why this library was removed and what evidence was provided, as it is completely valid. It meets the inclusion criteria (a good place to be social, important to the community (the only LFL in the neighbourhood), safe pedestrian access, appropriate to visit) and does not meet the removal criteria (detailed above). This wayspot was used regularly in a competitive sense, and it is possible the removal request was made maliciously.

The pictures below were uploaded with GPS and all other original metadata.

GIS screenshot:

Original Wayspot Photo:

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If it’s attached to the outward facing boundary structure (fence, wall) of single family private residential property, it is ineligible. Niantic has a general rule and doesn’t usually get into the minutiae of each municipality’s boundary lines because the rules are so very different everywhere.


Thanks for the appeal, @Boby360. We have taken another look but stand by our decision to retire this Wayspot.

Do you know what lead to this rule? In this instance, it seems like Niantic is robbing a community of a perfectly good POI.

Niantic has had previous lawsuits regarding wayspots on/near private residential property, and so their rules for wayfarer include that nothing is allowed on single family private residential property. They wanted to clearly define this so that there was clarity on what is and what isn’t considered SFPRP, and this is the definition they settled on. If it’s attached to the property boundary of SFPRP, it’s still on that property.