Wayspot in the voting for 6 weeks

  • Wayspot Title: Galvanohof
  • Location (lat/lon): (51.0775386, 13.7207930)
  • City: Dresden
  • Country: Germany
  • Additional Information (if any):
    The wayspot might have gotten accepted but it’s still in the voting process. Usually it takes some days but now it’s in this state for about 6 weeks. Could you please assist so that the process will move on again?

The appeals section of the forum isnt for this type of situations. This appears to be workikg as normal, there isnt a guaranteed time frame for a nomination to finalize. If you wosh it to finish faster you can review to earn an upgrade and apply it to this nomination.
Since this isnt an appeal, ill be moving this to general discussion.

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I don’t know what the current processing times are in Dresden, but in Leipzig you have to expect at least 2-3 months. But that’s nothing compared to the past, when it took over 2 years.

If you want shorter processing times, you should review yourself and earn upgrades.


I submitted 4POI’s two weeks ago in very rural Ghana, in a town without a single way spot, and with upgrades, all four of them got approved today. So, earning and using the upgrades is definitely worth the effort right now.

Sorry for the inconvenience. I couldn’t figure out where to post my question. I do unterstand that it might take longer from time to time but I didn’t know that it could take months, too. Thanks for all the answers.

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Its ok to ask. Its one of things where expectation and reality dont quite match and its not written down anywhere.

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