Yet another proud support moment!

So… If you want to suggest removal for a horrible, potentially dangerous Wayspot that has been active for 10+ years, you can only write to this one support address that won’t stop talking about Pokémon GO. This is hilarious but also just dumb…
I regularly stumble upon fire station Wayspots that for some reason were perfectly fine to add to Ingress 10+ years ago. I say Ingress because I believe Pokémon GO wasn’t even a thing at that time.
The portals stayed and Pokémon GO came, along with other Niantic games, and the fire stations emerged in those games too.
I’m a nitpick about Wayspots, I like them to be within the acceptance criteria and certainly not at schools, emergency operations, private property, etc. Well, apparently I’m a nitpick for that. :laughing:
So you get to write to this form that won’t stop talking about Pokémon GO and they give you their cute little premade sentences. But this one is particularly funny, because it just illustrates everything that is wrong with Niantic’s take on “support”.

Big brain answer from Niantic support in comments.
Enjoy! :fire: :fire_engine: :fire_extinguisher: :firefighter:

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Should the POI be positioned right on top of the vehicle bay? Or encourage loitering there specifically? Absolutely not

They are however, in my opinion, perfectly acceptable otherwise. For perspective, we’ve had a waypoint at a local volunteer fire dept for a long time, and it’s never even remotely been a problem.

That said, looking at the media, im dubious if that’s even a fire station. Or at least an active one. I’d be more concerned about that.


The streetview photo literally shows the garages for the fire engines.
Fire departments are never Wayspot material. Not volunteer ones either.

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Yes. Garage doors. And literally no other signage, as is virtually always present at a fire station/department. The “garage” isnt even large enough for much of anything.

It’s all very dubious from the get-go.

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If you would like to provide anything further beyond the laugh reaction spam, that would be swell, and mature of you.

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Why is this even a debate? :sob::joy:
Nice trolling… :skull:
I can’t even imagine what sort of crap you must accept when reviewing and honestly I don’t want to.
Luckily most reviewers know these sorts of basic Wayfarer rules and guidelines.
Thanks for the input, it’s been… interesting. :laughing:

Good luck with your endeavors :pray:

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