5 Wayspots of removed statues (Shanghai, China)

Wayspot Title 1: 瞠目结舌
Location 1: 31.239734,121.479222
Wayspot Title 2: 来根签吧
Location 2: 31.239262,121.478992
Wayspot Title 3: 护兽及仙人
Location 3: 31.239441,121.479254
Wayspot Title 4: 麒麟
Location 4: 31.238704,121.4798
Wayspot Title 5: 象鼻头3
Location 5: 31.239866,121.478915
City: Shanghai
Country: China
Screenshot of the Rejection Email:

Wayspot 1 photo:

Wayspot 3 photo:

Wayspot 4 photo:

These 3 Wayspots are at the same location. Current geotagged photo:

Wayspot 2 photo:

Current geotagged photo:

Geotagged photo near Wayspot 5 location:

These 5 Wayspots covers 3 or 4 old statues. None of them can be seen now in this alley. They have all been removed.

Thanks for the appeal, @tonygaosh. After reviewing the additional evidence provided, we’ve decided to retire the Wayspots in question.