About wayfarer Spot distance

When reviewing the way spot, the object has a very clear location on the map, but there is always an error in the application location.
I would like to ask, what is the tolerance error? In the picture below, the green star is the correct position, and it is 20M away from the applied position. Should it pass?

After all, I don’t know whether it’s because of GPS offset or whether the application location was specially moved because of LV17 CELL.


By the way, my review rating dropped from excellent to average. Is it because the review was done too quickly?
In many cases, GOOGLE MAP is opened and the location can be determined within a few seconds. I will give the answer within 15 seconds


In such a case you would move the location on the Location Accuracy screen to the correct position and vote the rest like you usually would do

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In your example of reviewing a location move: I would select the pin closest to the object, even if it isn’t exactly on the object. (Since the actual location isn’t an option to choose when reviewing.)
Probably: whoever submitted it didn’t have range to move it all the way to the correct location. In PokemonGo you can only move it 10m. So they moved it 10m closer. If it’s approved, they can submit another 5m to get it spot on.

Yes, your rating can drop if you review too quickly to engage with the screen. For nominations, don’t just scroll through - interact. Examples: read the text, enlarge the pictures, click the title, click the potential duplicates, switch from map view to satellite, try streetview, click the map’s Google logo and look at it. You don’t have to do all (or even most) of them on every review, but mix it up according to what’s needed for informed decisions.

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