Any exceptions to fast food restaurants being “generic”?

That place looks like it has a fantastic view! That would set it apart for me and make it a cool place to take someone - probably not taking them for the food but for the view?


Many newer Taco Bells are actually being built in this style, so no. Chains change up their building styles from time to time, and so new stores may have a different look than older ones, or ones that haven’t been remodeled yet. This started with the compnay’s rebranding in 2016 to a 2 colored logo, and the buildings have a more sleek, minimal, and modern design.

Also, Taco Bell Cantinas are still Taco Bells, but they also serve alcohol and some different menu items at these locations, which is the main standout. Chicago, IL has 4 Cantina locations alone, and the New York boroughs have 10.

Also, the one in Pacifica is no longer open; only 2 Cantina locations in California: Newport Beach and Berkley.

I am well aware of Taco Bell’s sign redesign as well as the cantinas (I would consider myself a hobbyist expert on Taco Bell, having won their scholarship 3 times and having a menu item named after me in a fan promotion, in addition to working there for a few years, although that is pretentious of me, I admit).

I do not think it is notable because it is/was a cantina. I think it is notable because it is marked as “the most beautiful Taco Bell in the world” by both local and national websites (including local papers SFgate and California Is for Adventure) and itself.

Despite recent innovations in Taco Bell architecture (see here, here, and here)this location’s interior and exterior are quite unlike the others, and in a far more scenic location.

Even if other Taco Bells are adopting more modern styles resembling this, due to its unique circumstances if I was to visit the location, I would attempt to submit it, and I personally believe I could make a compelling case–I believe I could do the same for their flagship Vegas location (where they host weddings). These are perhaps the only two Taco Bells in the entire world that I would consider submitting–that being said, I am obviously biased, and would happily accept community feedback should such hypothetical submissions not go through.

A journalist called it the most beautiful, which is pretty subjective and unofficial. I could say anything is most beautiful, like convenience store I live near, but it’s still a generic business.

I respecfully disagree
Being recognised by a journalist would encourage some people to visit and see what the hype is about.

There are also many places where you would visit due to the atmosphere, the view, the location itself rather than the specific restaurant

There is plenty here for me to approve such a location. You may call Taco Bell a generic business but this specific one doesn’t seem generic at all when you look at all of the information.

We are told to use my best judgement when reviewing. My best judgement says “wow, thats awesome, I’d love to see the view”.


One could also argue that a first thing in a particular style that worked well to the point that it becomes the new template can very well be considered architecturally notable.

That and “references to articles” are commonly requested by staff as proof and are an encouraged addition to the supporting info, so this is pretty much the best standard you can follow as a submitter.


Honestly I think this place sounds cool. I’d accept it. And if I were in the area I’d want to visit it.

We already accept generic businesses in some locations ie rural places without non-generic versions, so the generic business becomes a good place to socialise etc! I think that shows that the system lets us apply judgement for this criteria.

I do think that generic business is over used - it was removed as an option for a long time possibly for that reason. For me, the important questions are the criteria, and if a business, generic or otherwise, meets a critieria, then I am inclined to accept it. This one for me seems a great place to explore, and also socialise, as people can come together to enjoy the view in a social setting.

I would accept this but unlike @frealafgb I would get some nice food somewhere else, sit down the beach a wee bit and wave at her while she ate her horrible, horrible Taco Bell.


I’ve never been to a Taco Bell so cant really comment :laughing: I dont even know what they sell. If it’s only tacos then I probably can’t eat them anyway, unless they have a gluten free option


Me either, been to a Taco Bell that is.

Would you recommend the food there? @DTrain2002 @ViciousMockery


Hahahaha I found an allergen menu, aparrently I could have sides and some sauces, no actual meals :laughing:


I have also never been to a Taco Bell as far as I remember :slight_smile:

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If you ever pass by and there is a weird, in a good way, British woman sitting outside drinking Taco Bell sauces



…then that makes it a great place to socialize?

It must be if @frealafgb is there.

Maybe @ViciousMockery can find a scenic viewpoint bench at the back of the Taco Bell if it gets rejected.

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too late, I beat you to it.


What about the turquoise McDonald’s in Arizona or the McDonald’s that goes over the highway in Oklahoma. I’m not sure if they’re Waypoints, but I’d argue they’re definitely unique enough to warrant it.

As a Brit that moved to the USA as of late-2023, I can admit that Taco Bell (at least the one close to my home…) is very good.



Dinner on you for @ViciousMockery @Xenopus @frealafgb and myself in California then. One of us is a cheap date that is happy with just a few packets of sauce.


Deal but also a Starbucks visit please.