Appeal rejected removal report

War Memorial Fishing Pond
34.749481, -92.333774
Little Rock
United States of America

I expected this to be rejected since that typically happens and took photos of the 5 sides where this used to be. The fifth is where this once was. Sorry, these are screenshots of my photos that are not compatible. I nominated “Little Rock Parks & Recreation” successfully while there. I assume that made the map but nothing else since this is still where I placed the marker. It appears that other people might have tried to edit the title and description for this Wayspot. Since the object that caused the original nomination and photo was permanently removed, I ask that this be retired. This is related but I will accept a no since it’s just related. One of the photos for this is better than the one that I used for “Little Rock Parks & Recreation”. If the photos relating to that might be switched if this is retired, that will give a better photo. Otherwise, I know how to try to add a photo.