What if to upload a new pokestop contribution you would have to firstly review 5 other nominations to get 1 pokestop contribution available to nominate by your own?, this game update would drastically increase effectiveness in reviewing nominations and also would encourage every player to review more frequently.
Hello and welcome,
Interesting, but being that we can get 40 nominations a day in PoGo and 40 a day in Ingress, I don’t know fully known about this being implemented. I also don’t really like being forced to review just to make edits, which is limited daily as well per game. Not everyone likes reviewing, and not everyone likes nominating.
It most likely would have to replace upgrades for reviews, which when applied to nominations opens them up to a larger review area in hopes of there being a faster resolution. Right now, for every 100 agreements we make with other reviewers, we receive 1 upgrade. Many review to get these upgrades, and there are many who use them up quite quickly.
I think if additional nominations/edit contributions were to be added, I could see it being done more along the lines of one’s level in each game, or even allowing nominating/contributing in another game that doesn’t currently have them.
This may be a good suggestion to post in this thread, as others here have been asking for more nominations per day (personally, I’ve never used my 40 per day in PoGo, so not really something I’m interested in):