- City: Victoria
- Country: Canada
The following wayspots are permanently removed:
- Wayspot Title: Jack Eden Bench
- Location (lat/lon): 48.424191,-123.376847
- Screenshot of the Rejection Email
Wayspot Title: Enjoy the View
Location (lat/lon): 48.423767,-123.375794
Screenshot of the Rejection Email
Wayspot Title: Memorial Bench - Alec Anne Stoddart
Location (lat/lon): 48.424223,-123.376085
Screenshot of the Rejection Email https://global.discourse-cdn.com/wayfarer/original/2X/d/dc9805caa88fa6c3591ece7787f73897805a4269.png
Wayspot Title: Relax and Enjoy
Location (lat/lon): 48.423901,-123.377777
Screenshot of the Rejection Email
Wayspot Title: Memorial Bench - Ashok and Elaine Bhardwaj
Location (lat/lon): 48.424099,-123.376339
Screenshot of the Rejection Email
Wayspot Title: Jack Leard Memorial
Location (lat/lon): 48.423657,-123.37604
Screenshot of the Rejection Email
Wayspot Title: Violet May Ellis Butterfield
Location (lat/lon): 48.423044,-123.378261
Screenshot of the Rejection Email
Additional Information (if any): These wayspots were located at the former Laurel Point Park which was developed in 1975 after the closing of a paint factory. The soil was determined to be contaminated and remediation was undertaken, removing everything from the park.
The old streetview in the area is from 2017. The remediation program began in October 2018
Laurel Point remediation project complete | CTV News
You can see the park in the background of the photo on this page, taken at the Songhees Walkway
The park is still in development but is now open. Further seating, trees, and information signs will be placed. However, plans are still in progress with the city and first nations leaders. The concept design was supposed to be completed by 2020, but everything is still in the works as likely due to disruptions with the pandemic. It appears the concept may be done, but no further work has started.
Laurel Point Park remediation - Urban Issues - VibrantVictoria
Laurel Point Park renamed after former Victoria mayor - Saanich News
City of Victoria unveils concept design for Peter Pollen Waterfront Park
There has been no update on the park, but the Laurel Point Hotel had approval for rezoning to expand their footprint.
Rezoning approval gives the Inn at Laurel Point an opportunity to expand
Currently there are gravel paths at Peter Pollen Waterfront Park, a sign at each entrance and benches that are no longer holding plaques or dedications. Some of the other notable landmarks have been taken into storage or moved to another location, which included some memorial benches. Those have been relocated. The above benches are no longer at this park or at the adjacent Bellville Park Green where others have been moved.