Location Edit - The J. Paul Getty Museum Dedication

  • Wayspot Title: The J. Paul Getty Museum Dedication
  • Location (lat/lon): Ingress Intel Map / 34.077566,-118.474621
  • City: Los Angeles, CA
  • Country: USA
  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information):

  • Additional Information (if any):

First of all, I am doing this appeal here because I submitted all the info in my original appeal, but I guess it was not clear enough for whoever reviewed it, so I’ll try it again here.

If you look at Google Street View, you can see that the bust is located right next to north entrance:

This is how the north entrance looks from the outside:

If you compare this entrance to the main south entrance (from inside and outside):

…and also to the side south entrance (inside and outside):

…you can clearly see the differences.

So now it’s a matter of finding the entrance on the satellite view and approximate the location of the bust.

If we take another look at the outside view of the north entrance but look a bit up, we will see this:

Here’s the satellite view:

Thus, this is the entrance.

Now, if you look at the bust from this point and then look up, you can see this:

…which is this on satellite map:

So the bust is located somewhere in this area:

These are the coordinates I provided:

As you can see, it was not a malicious edit (unless for some unknown to me reason this wayspot has to stay the way it is, as it was the case with another wayspot in the Getty Center) - I was trying to move it to correct location:

Please move it, or at least explicitly let me know that it should stay the way it is in its incorrect location and should not be edited.