Lots of portals gone just like that’s

Dear forum readers,

This is my first post so please be gentle with me if I did something wrong.

This seemed the best spot to post my appeal.

Since 1 or 2 hours ago more then 11 portals (mostly bridges) have been removed have been removed from our neighborhood.
These bridges are part of multiple routes (not pogo routes) just regulair routes.

What are our options for now?
Because we would really like our portals back. Portals that have been in the game for multiple years and are within wayfarer quideliness/rules.


@diomedis welcome to the forum!

It would help to clarify what is significant about those bridges as not every bridge meets the eligibility criteria (Criteria Clarification Collection - Discussion - #71 by cyndiepooh)

Can you share the trails these bridges are a part of?


So it being a bridge you can walk over to get to the park is not enough?

That is difficult to say without all the context. But a bridge is not a categorical eligible wayspot, it needs to have significance in the form of special architecture or being part of a named trail.


To give more context, sometimes you install a bridge because there’s a ditch that makes getting from a parking lot or sidewalk into a building difficult. So you have a bridge to make that easier. That kind of bridge isn’t a good/great place to exercise, explore, or be social. It’s just infrastructure for that specific land.

The kinds of footbridges that Niantic really wants to approve are those that make walking on designated trails easier. Those definitely help us explore or exercise.

There are a lot of gray areas in between those two situations where people submit and even get footbridges accepted. We need to see each unique situation to know how it meets the criteria.


This is your first example. From Satellite, it almost looks like a generic car bridge, but in fact Street View confirms it’s a generic pedestrian bridge.

I’m not from your region. Footbridges generally pass within the US but I don’t think I would support this type, here. That said, I’m not sure it meets remocal criteria other than it’s from the NL so it may be considered part of the previous abuse rings.

Thank you all for your response(s).

So if I get your points clear. A generic bridge used for different type of transportation wouldn’t fit the bil?

But as an example a bridge that connects a cycling ”high way” through the neighborhood would fit. Or a bridge that jumps out because of its colour or architecture is approvable?

It could be, but it remains like stated above a grey area, so it all depends on different aspects.

You just cannot say all pedestrian bridges are eligible wayspots, you would need to highlight why it promotes exercise, exploration or being social. The ones shown in your first post based on the pictures/titles do not show this off clearly.

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If there is such a grey area couldn’t that in itself create conflict between players?
I mean when there is grey people can have aposing views. Who or what is the deciding factor in this case?

That is why wayfarer is there to collect consensus among all the reviewers to decide what the decision will be for a specific wayspot submission. As long as the reviewers follow the guidelines there is nothing wrong with that.

I apologise for being somewhat late to this conversation, but bridges with historical relevance could be argued as fit for exploration.

I have a few examples of my own nominations of bridges, of which are historical and hold relevance within the town. These could be argued as places to explore, therefore making them eligible.

Just remember, it’s very situational. I’m just pointing out a possibility.


"In Japan, there was once a wayfinder who presented the quibble that "bridges are for socializing and are qualified because they connect communities to communities.
Therefore, there are still many cases where bridges that are nothing more than mere structures over irrigation canals with no episodes are still approved.
And in such cases, there are not a few people who think it is enough to fabricate an episode.
Therefore, if these cases continue, Emily will continue to learn incorrectly and the situation will not be in line with Niantic’s mission.
Unfortunately, we can already see glimpses of such a situation in Wayfarer.

I will say that I’m fairly lenient on bridges when i review. I work in the disability community. I know many, many people who use assistive devices to ambulate, including fully motorized wheelchairs that are controlled by a sip and puff straw mechanism. I agree that bridges help connect people. If it weren’t for bridges, many of my friends and those we work with couldn’t get around in the world to be active and fully engaged in life.


I do not agree.
Bridges over irrigation canals and rivers that have no great episodes are simply structures based on urban planning and built for convenience.
Also, what you, the ambassador, are saying is an abuse of the eligibility requirements of socializing, exploration, and exercise.

No, it’s not. She’s allowed to express opinion and use judgement that may differ from your narrow view.

Nothing i said is abusive. I simply said that i am more lenient when evaluating them. If you think it’s abusive to not be rigidly strict, then I suggest that you take a break and re-evaluate why you are engaged in Wayfarer. It is not the point of Wayfarer to reject everything.

@Gendgi @seaprincesshnb
There is nothing narrow or wide about that view when it does not deny admitting a bridge with no episodes or decorations, but only parapets, sidewalks, and driveways.
Of course, it is good to recognize bridges with episodes based on historical facts and unique decorations.
I approve and nominate such bridges.
Of course, I will closely examine such episodes to make sure they are based on historical facts.
As a wayfinder, it is only natural.

If we approve something that is not unique, however, we are just piling up rubble on the Wayfarer.
That is not a POI.
It is just a game item supply spot.
Well, if the wayspot is not the main purpose of the game, then it would still serve its purpose.
For those people, Wayfarer is just a tool.
But at least the significance and purpose of Wayfarer is to find quality POIs and nominate and review them to Wayspot.
And I’m just saying that as a Wayfinder, that’s the significance and purpose.

Wayfarer, and wayspot, does not need rubble.
That’s all.

Ok this is a Lott to take in!
Have we all forgotten that it is mostly and primarily a game! I mean if you are so passionate and strict about rules you should consider making it your work! (I mean this as a compliment).

What I am reading and getting for all of you people is that a portal has to be more then 98% correct and following the wayfarer rules. This is as I am putting it the ingress way. Then there is the pokemon go way which takes a different view. Me as such a player sees this different. When something hits the 75% I am content and nominating it.

Now I am not going to change all of you opinions. But you have to agree on me with something and that is that Ingress players and pokemon go players want different things out of these beautiful games that are built for us to enjoy.

Ingress primarily wants les portal because less competition. And pokemon go players want more because more items and spawns.

Isn’t it time those game were seperated from each other?

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Thanks for your opinion.

This is a Wayfarer forum, which is game agnostic. Games should not influence the wayspot quality that is submitted/reviewed. All wayspots follow the same guidelines, it is up to the game teams whatever they happen to do with it, not the other way around.


I agree.
However, I don’t deny that there are a lot of high quality portals in the field in Ingress.
And I don’t care if the person nominating a good wayspot is an AG, a trainer, or a developer.
I simply do not like rubble wayspot.

Well, I won’t say much about the game because it is not the main topic of this forum, but basically, Ingress is a game that is only possible by accessing portals, and without high-quality portals, the game is not possible.
In contrast, PGO is another game where access to a wayspot is not mandatory, and the main goal of PGO is to meet and catch attractive fictional creatures, and the wayspot is not important.
Using the same database with different systems is the cause of unhappiness and friction.

The Wayfarer database is often likened to a storehouse of ingredients, which the game team cooks, but there is no way to cook if there is only rotting meat, shriveled vegetables, and poisonous mushrooms, and there is no system to sort them in detail, and while Wayfarer says that the game should not be affected, it continues to be heavily influenced by the game’s system.
These influences will not go away as long as we continue to use the system of nominating through the game.

Well, one complaint about the rubble, the Wayfarer team should be ashamed of themselves for being rejected and rolled back by the Ingress team for a Foursquare-imported wayspot live that they were so confident they could do.
It’s the equivalent of being assured that their work is a pile of rubble and that they don’t value it.
And we don’t know what the PGO team thinks of them, but they won’t complain because wayspot is not important in the game system.