No ha aparecido las nuevas pokeparadas

Carrer Santa Anna, 4, 08251 Santpedor, Barcelona, España

Ronda Sant Pere, 332, 08251 Santpedor, Barcelona, España

Pl. Sindicat, 2, 08251 Santpedor, Barcelona, España

Me han aceptado tres propuestas pero aún no ha aparecido en el juego y mañana es el community day y lo necesito

How long has it been since these were accepted? There is a daily sync for Pokemon Go that adds eligible locations to the game.

I can’t find all of these, but it looks like the Sports Centre would not be eligible to appear in Pokemon Go if it is here:

If this plaque is for this point of interest that is already a Wayspot, it would also be in the same L17 S2 cell and not be eligible to appear in Pokemon Go

I can see the information board on street view, and this location is also not eligible to appear in Pokemon Go

I have this written up to try to explain to people looking for their pokestops:

I know the prompt tells you that you are submitting a “Pokestop” but you are actually submitting a Wayspot to Niantic’s Lightship database. The Wayspot can only become a Pokestop or gym if it is alone in a level 17 S2 cell. This is a good article about S2 cells and PoGo:

I hope this helps. But I also caution people not to use this information to misplace a pin. That would be abuse.

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Hi, this is indeed not a bug but rather the rules @cyndiepooh has described above. I have therefore moved this to General Discussion .