This is the very thing that happened me and I asked about some time back. I updated a local stop withe it’s name, a proper description and all went fine, but, when I uploaded the photo I hadn’t realised my reception had dropped out and my phone was showing full 4g reception so I taught it was just my phone being slow and pressed the submit button again, still same result. Done this about 5 times and it eventually went through. Didn’t realise until I looked at contributions page that each press had actually gone through without notification to me. I didn’t get a warning but it could happen in the future as has happened to a lot of people.
For this reason I have stopped all edits and won’t be doing anymore until Niantic seperate game accounts from wayfarer when doling out punishment. I have no issue with clear cut abuse, like uploading an inappropriate photo deliberately(as in pornographic or otherwise) not someone accidentally tapping on the wrong photo in their camera roll(it happens,I’ve seen several family photos while reviewing that were submitted by mistake), or a deliberately abusive description or title once it is actually inappropriate and not the ridiculous filter classing of abuse which we have all ran into when naming something genuinely.
Even location can be completely wrong for a simple reason, someone goes and takes some nice photos of a wayspot then plan to submit, they go home and then do it while having a mug of coffee, 1st mistake they make most commonly is, they forget to move the pointer to the actual location they were at and inadvertently submit the location (normally their house) that they are at when submitting, I’ve done this myself but luckily realised it in time to remove and resubmit it.
Simple things like this happen and to threaten someones game account, that they could have spent a lot of money and time (sometimes years) building, while at the same time getting free work from those very players that helps build new mapping software for Niantic is pretty rich.
There will always be abusers in any game but they are generally a small minority, the people I’ve meet in here like @cyndiepooh and others are genuinely trying to improve the whole environment across the games for everyone and don’t deserve to be treated like that.
Anyhow, that’s all I have to say on things. My opinion, separate game and wayfarer accounts when it comes to doling out punishments. Punishments should be applied to wayfarer accounts only and only when there has been a clear discussion and proper appeals process. If it is a simple mistake then remind and move on, little more serious (like multiple breaches over the course of a few submissions ( over a period time and if already warned, then maybe removal of privileges for a short space (1-2 days)if it is deliberately inappropriate or abusive the longer term or permanent removal of privileges for wayfarer, But if it is because of confusing or misleading information from Niantic then obviously, no punishment,