Pokestop still not appear

my nomination is already accepted but still not appear after two days

Your Wayspot is in the same Level 17 S2 cell as another, so cannot appear in Pokemon Go
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I have this explanation written up for folks looking for their pokestop

I know the prompt tells you that you are submitting a “Pokestop” but you are actually submitting a Wayspot to Niantic’s database. The Wayspot can only become a Pokestop or gym if it is alone in a level 17 S2 cell. This is a good article about S2 cells and PoGo: https://pokemongohub.net/post/article/comprehensive-guide-s2-cells-pokemon-go/

I hope that helps.

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It may appear as a Power Spot so all is not lost. :+1:

can i move it to an empty cell ?

Do NOT use the knowledge of S2 cells to move something to where it does not actually exist. That is abuse, and you could be banned from your game.

You can use knowledge of S2 cells to know where to look in real life for things you can add to the game board. But they must actually exist where you pin them.

If you find a wayspot that is pinned incorrectly and needs to be moved, you can ask help chat at Niantic Wayfarer to do that for you with evidence if you can’t submit the location edit in game. But they will not move something just to put it in a new cell.

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No, moving wayspots away from their accurate location is considered abuse. As far as Niantic is concerned, the wayspot was accurately placed and will appear in any game where the inclusion rules allow


A note I should make about that iitc map of Ingress portals: it does not show all Wayspots. The Ingress team has chosen not to use some imports, so it won’t show those, and it won’t show any Wayspots within 20m of the portal - inside the black circles shown on that map.