
Solicitação de pokeparadas falsas, nas opções de denúncia poderia ser adicionado o porque do avaliador considerar aquele ponto falso, já que caso o pensamento do avaliador do jogo com o avaliador da niantic não estarem em sincronia, poderá resultar em banimento para o avaliador do jogo. Com minhas experiências eu já vi pokeparada falsa com locais incondizentes, mouse do computador na imagem, e o pior de todos, a logo de alguma marca na FOTO da pokeparada, simplesmente um absurdo. Caso eu perceba isso mas o avaliador da denúncia não perceba isso, poderá ter consequências para mim.

I think, for a faked Wayspot, we would report it with reason “Abusive content”. (It’s the 4th one in listed in Ingress.)

Great idea to add a reason “Falsified information” or some wording like that.

“Abusive content” sounds more like the Wayspot says something mean against people or religion or something. But inconsistent location, computer mouse on the image, and so on - are considered abuse of the system.

Welcome to the forums! If while reviewing you see evidence the nomination is fake I would think that whoever is in charge of reviewing those reports would notice what you saw too. If you would like the option to add more information to a report you can click the “reporting abuse” at the top of this forum and use that link to submit a report with additional information. Ive used this process several times when I have noticed severe violations during review and wanted to make sure all the needed info was given. You can even reply to the email you get after you submit the report with photos that show evidence. This is one of the best ways to submit a report regarding wayfarer if you want to provide as much info as possible. Hope this helps!

When reviewing a proposed nomination that is obviously fake, I
select thumbs-down for “Accuracy” (the 3rd thumb selection)…
then the 4th reason, “Abuse”…
then click one or more of five abusive behaviors.

You can also click “Report” at the top for wayspot nominations and then select “Fake Nomination” if you are certain its a fake. Im pretty sure doing it through accuracy will register it as a rejection and give them the reasons selected as the rejection reasons vs actually filing a report. So it depends on how strongly I feel its a fake nomination for which I choose.