No entiendo por qué hay unos criterios de eechazo total a pokeparadas tales como fuentes, negocios locales o casetas en parques que son unicas y permanentes,¿ no veis que ser duro con la creación de spots nos perjudica a todos? Deberíamos empezar a ser mas flexibles y que esto empiece a parecerse mas a japón y menos a kirguistan
Welcome to the forum @Kxreanskil !
Criteria is the same all over the world. The things that people find significant can vary from region to region, though. The things you mention do sound like they might be eligible. If you would like to post something for feedback that you feel was unfairly rejected, there is a category for that: Nomination Support
If you mean why are accepted Wayspots not becoming Pokestops, that only happens when the Wayspot is alone in a Level 17 S2 cell. A good article about that process is this one:
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