Removals of wayspots on demolished building not accepted

The following wayspots were all on a building which has been demolished this year. I reported them as permanently removed but my reports were all rejected. I included one sample e-mail.

  • Wayspot Title: The Reader, The Printer,
    Historisches Wappen der Frankfurter Societätsdruckerei, Wandrelief, Kunst in Wand 2

  • Location (lat/lon): 50.10501194593032, 8.64829889124088

  • City: Frankfurt

  • Country: Germany

  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information):

  • Additional Information (if any):

The whole building complex has been demolished recently:

Any links you have to evidence of this work happening will help your appeal: news stories, etc.

Fair enough.

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Thanks for the appeal, @Xjs. We reviewed your appeal and stand by our decision to retire the Wayspot “Wandrelief” in question. Please wait until you receive the rejection email to appeal the candidate.

Thanks for your reply. Be advised that this is referring to a total of 5 wayspots that have been physically removed during the demolishon works, I’ve listed them in the initial post.
It doesn’t make a lot of sense to keep them around if the physical objects they refer to are gone, does it?