Restore wayspot

  • Wayspot Title: Otra Fonte En Area

  • Location (lat/lon): 42.8825608, -8.5293526

  • City: Santiago de Compostela

  • Country: Spain

  • Screenshot:

  • Additional Information (if any):
    I request that the Otra Fonte En Area point of interest be restored to its original location. I do not know the reason for this and other wayspots in the area have been removed with a single purpose, to create unrest in the game. Some of the wayspots such as the one indicated in the following link have already been recovered.
    Restore Wayspot
    and others are being claimed as well as this wayspot::
    Restore wayspot
    I attach images where you can clearly see that the point of interest exists in the place where it was located. Please restore the wayspot again and, if you consider it appropriate, take action against the authors of these removals. Thank you very much.

Thanks for the appeal, @policlates. We have taken another look but stand by our decision to retire this Wayspot “Otra Fonte En Area”. Any incorrect changes to other Wayspots have been reversed.

Hello, I would appreciate it if you could inform me and the rest of the community members of the reason for the removal of these wayspots.
Thank you very much.

I don’t know if Niantic will reply, but I do remember @MegaTrainerRed letting us know that drinking fountains were a frequent but ineligible submission in Spain when we were doing a global challenge.


Desgraciadamente el Staff no puede dar siempre las explicaciones de por qué han tomado ciertas decisiones.

Es comúnmente conocido el problema que ha habido en España con las nominaciones de fuentes de agua fabricadas en masa, las cuales no cumplen criterio alguno. Este es un caso en el que son fabricadas en masa, no es visualmente única incitando a ir a explorarla. He oído ya sobre eliminaciones de fuentes de agua fabricadas en masa a lo largo de los últimos meses, por lo que solo queda esperar que sucedan más en el futuro.

Espero haberte sido de ayuda.

@cyndiepooh as always thank you for the tag :heart:

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I am aware of the problem you mention. I am also aware that this issue has already been discussed in the community and the removed sources were later restored since the criteria that would affect mass-produced sources only applies to their acceptance as a wayspot and not to their subsequent removal… Another thing is that now Niantic, just as it is removing the murals considered acts of vandalism, is also removing other wayspots such as these sources on its own. For this reason I ask the staff to speak out on the matter.

Como he comentado, el equipo no puede siempre dar explicaciones de por qué han tomado una decisión concreta ya que, además de atender el foro, estoy seguro que tienen muchas otras obligaciones y trabajo a realizar. Por desgracia, no hay suficientes personas como para dar una explicación a cada usuario que solicita una explicación de por qué algo no ha sido reinstaurado.

I understand what you’re saying, but as I said, I’ve appealed 3 different sources and one has been restored and the other two have not, so the least I can ask for is an explanation of why those two are no longer valid. All these messages would have been avoided if, after reading, reviewing and responding to the appeal, the reason was explained. In the end, the lack of explanation is more problematic. Before appealing, I have reviewed the appeals of other players in the last month and I have seen that no one else has appealed sources, so I understand that either I am the only one complaining, or I am unlucky enough to be a pioneer in the application of new criteria by Nia… I repeat, an explanation would avoid this on my part and surely on the part of many other players.

Hay una posibilidad de que la primera apelación que fue aceptada fue hecho de manera incorrecta debido a la falta de conocimiento local por parte de los revisores de apelaciones. Como comenté lo ideal es que diesen una explicación personalizada a cada usuario pero es prácticamente complicado que suceda. Por mi parte dejo la conversación aquí a la espera de que, con mucha suerte, algún miembro del Staff decida dar una explicación, pero que no te sorprenda si no la dan.