Scenic viewpoint - is it good or nah?

Why don’t I take you in the box? Then I’d have a tall friend to stand on! Excellent view for the photo!

I’ll send myself to the location using Royal Mail.

When you get there say you are on the look out for a man in a box to help you play Pokémon.

And then come out of an ERII postbox?


I’ll try another. Help me choose, improve this one collective Wayfarer geniuses

Main A

Main B

Support A

Support B


Scenic view towards central London overlooking Richmond Park. Located on Broomfield Hill one of the parks highest points offering vistas over Kingston, Wandsworth, Putney, Richmond, Wimbledon and Central London from the capitals largest nature reserve


Richmond Park was originally a deer park created in the 17th century by Charles I. It is now a 2,500 acre nature reserve, site of special scientific interest and London’s biggest Royal Park.
The bench as an anchor point gives visitors a place to relax and take in 360° views of the city of London from its greenest space. Nearby is Broomfield cafe, one of the parks 7 cafes and The Isabella Plantation an 1830 woodland garden renowned for its azalea, rhododendron and camellia collection.
Contained within the park are many historic buildings including Pembroke Lodge the childhood home of Bertrand Russell, Thatched House Lodge the residence of Eisenhower during WWII and The Royal Ballet School at White Lodge.
Wild deer, The Tamsin and CapitalTrail and the parks 7 gates to South West London’s areas make this view a great place to see all of the above

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You know I’m a starter, but I can imagin that the problem with a view could be, that you can’t touch it or stand on it :woman_shrugging:t2:
In my opion the point from where you can see this should be the POI.

A + B

That’s what the bench does, it’s the anchor point for the view :slight_smile:

I prefer the first photo. Is it an avenue it looks down?
Any chance of a better day ….its hard to see beyond the trees🤔
I can see 2 tall buildings what are they - maybe give the actual points visible.
I think the supplementary wanders a bit from the point?

You can walk down it but you can walk anywhere in Richmond Park

Any chance of a better day ….its hard to see beyond the trees🤔

Maybe in November…

I can see 2 tall buildings what are they - maybe give the actual points visible.

Central London innit, fam.

I think the supplementary wanders a bit from the point?

What would you take out/put instead?

I like supporting photo B because it is helpful for possibly verifying the wayspot as I see a sign there. Is it a wayspot as well or visible from satellite?

I was thinking of describing it as a the view from the bench looks straight down avenue with trees either side, drawing your eye to the skyline of central London with the Shard ? And the Gherkin? Easily visible.
A reminder that although surrounded by trees and open space the concrete jungle is at hand.
Personally I think being more specific about a few of the things someone might see is quite good. All part of saying this point is special.
And weave in what you had.
I prefer supporting B for same reason.
The second half of the supporting was talking about details about why Richmond park is so good……I really must make a visit one day :sunglasses: you have sold it to me…. But could it be tied more to the viewpoint? I don’t think it does any harm and if I had doubts from main and title I would know this was yours :joy:

Yes, I think I understand. But…
While explaining this understandable is to hard for me, I try it with a picture:

I think that you try do the first one with the bench as an anchor. But you can’t touch this or stand on it.

Just a steep hill cyclists beware sign.

Thanks. I haven’t submitted it I’m just seeing what makes a viewpoint good, how do you frame it, what are the points Wayfarers think helps to have one accepted :slight_smile:

You can’t touch the bench?


I believe @AliceWonder1511 is referring to the view can’t be touched.

It was clarified previously that a view can be acceptable as lng as there is an anchor point, in this case the bench.

In many ways it is a similar application of logic as trailmarkers - the whole route as laid out on a website for example is not tangible but is clearly a great thing for criteria. Each marker although not great in themselves is a anchor for the trail. And in this case the physical object is the bench as a point you can place on the map not because the bench is great, but the view from it is.

Thanks, sorry @AliceWonder1511 my misunderstanding.

I guess with most scenic viewpoints the nomination is based on look at the view across the South Downs, over this lake.

For this I’m saying look at the view because of your location at a high point in the park.

I wouldn’t nominate the view if it was from John Smith Avenue. In a way I’m selling the view from the location, maybe that’s difficult to do?

Yes @elijustrying I’m reffering to scene as a whole.
If it were so clear clarified, I think we don’t have any discussion about all the beautyful views.
And I’m absolutly with you, that trailmarkers are similar to this.

No problem, I try to improve my wayfarer skills as well as my english skills.

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Tausendmal besser als mein Deutsch.

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Thats sad :pensive: I really liked this submission, great for exploring

I just had a boat hire business rejected on appeal this morning for not telling them that it is significant to the local community when I mentioned how it enables people to explore the river and see the wildlife… I thought that was a nice activity and something you might show someone who’s visiting…often theyre social trips for a family, or a group of friends… anyway… not directly relevant here, just frustrating

I’m unsure that appeals are always read in full, which is also frustrating. You gave a lot of detail about what a significant viewpoint that is. I wonder if the team are given too many appeals to complete inside a tight timeframe for example? Or targets about acceptance/rejection rates?

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