Wayspot Removal Appeal: Paintings are permanently removed from eletrical box

Wayspot Title:
(C)Transformer box

Location (lat/lon):

City, Country:
Taipei City, Taiwan

Screenshot of the Rejection Email :




Evidence to support these appeal:

Based on the latest Streetview (Google Maps), and compared with the same location before, can concluded that all of the paintings on those eletrial boxes had been removed.

Street View - 2016
Street View - 2022

Street View - 2020
Street View - 2023

Street View - 2014
Street View - 2016
Street View - 2023

Let me ask you a question.
The unique picture of the telegraph box used to be a typical Taiwanese wayspot, but I noticed that it was changed to a ordinary telegraph box when I visited Taiwan last year.
I have reported some of them for deletion, some were approved, and some were rejected.

In my case, it was in Tainan, but I wonder if this is the case all over Taiwan?

Yes, transformer box murals are slowly disappearing in Taiwan

According to my understanding, there are three reasons:

  1. The main reason is: the transformer box itself is made of iron, which will naturally rust over time. Public agencies simply do not have that much time and money to maintain so many murals in so many different locations.

  2. It is said that the transformer box mural itself can easily distract the driver.

  3. Another saying I heard is that the transformer box itself is a dangerous item, and the beautiful murals make people not be wary of it.

In short, most of the murals on electrical boxes have been slowly painted in a single color in the past few years, and the murals have naturally disappeared. However, I noticed that there are still a few new transformer box murals, but the colors and lines used are very simple. Unlike early murals, which were originally landscapes, scenery, flowers and birds, etc., they had to (and need to) be processed by professional painting technicians.

And I am impressed that Wayfinder in Taiwan takes pride in maintaining quality,
I’m planning to visit Taiwan for the first time in a year just next week, so I’ll keep a close eye on it. :wink:

Mod Edit: Removed inappropriate regional comparison.
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Thanks for the appeal, @EONloveu. After reviewing the additional evidence provided, we’ve decided to retire the Wayspots in question.