Why my removal of application was refused?( I have been updated some photos.)

There is not a 古典喷泉(Classical Fountain) in this wayspot.
This waysopt should not exist.

These are some photos in this wayspot of the real world.It can not find a 古典喷泉(Classical Fountain).
The position is the carriageway and buildings.

Welcome to the forum @Kylezhang

You can provide evidence for the team here that the fountain does not exist. I usually take geotagged photos from several directions.

I did not find a portal at these coordinates, and Google Maps looks very different there. This was nearby if this is it: 古典喷泉

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Thank you for your help. When i take some photos in real world,after then where should i sent?In here or sent E-mail?

You can post them here on your appeal.

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Thank you again.I will try it.

Hello,excuse me.
I have been updated some photos.
I am waiting for answer or rewrite a post?
Thanks a lot.

Hi @Kylezhang
You can post them here.
That is your appeal post and here you can post everything of evidence you want.

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OK,Thanks.I have posted above.