in todays portal sync in Poland was removed all portals was added from 4squere. I think that was some time ago annouinced. In general most of this portals was some kind of company like restaurants, caffe, shops and some production companies. When this 4squere/ companies portas was appear in the portal network a lot of poeple was subbimt new point with restaurant shops etc.
Im wondering about how now that kind of wayspots should be treated? Ccompanies portals will be retired from map or already removed wayspots can be submitted again by playes and it should be accepted. Because there is rejection critiria for generic bussines so i think based on that those should’t be accepted but in that case what about this already accpted and they already existing in wayspot network? What is the current approach to that kind o wayspots?
Anything that was removed has only been removed from Ingress to my knowledge, so if you renominate something like a cafe, then a reviewer will see a duplicate on their review and mark it as a Duplicate.
So it would not get added.*
*This may change depending on what’s decided but that’s the current process for any duplicates.
ok but what with other cafe/restaurant point added by Wayfarer not by 4Squere. There are safe for now or they also will be retired?
If they got added through the normal Wayfarer channels, they will not be removed
I have a suggestion, PLOW EVERYTHING DOWN and let’s start over. In my area of ​​operation, at least a few portals that met the criteria were removed. It’s nice that Niantic doesn’t give a damn about the work that agents do.
Welcome to the forum @greggentoo
Where are you from, if I may ask you?
You may. Poland
Ah ok. Thanks
I really hope that they’ll give a solution for 1. imports and 2. data history blocking fresh ups.
On long sight this causes so much problems on all sides.
As this isn’t an appeal I am moving it to the General discussion area
Ideally what would happen is it gets marked as a duplicate
the photo gets added to the wayspot
the photo syncs to ingress
the photo becomes the main photo by default
the portals syncs back onto the intel map, as it now has a photo
Do I think this will happen? No… but it should.
additional issue here are portal keys. Normally when some portal are retire by user request then keys form thi portal are also gone around a day from portal retired. For this 4square portals keys are still here They will also gone automatically or it required manual action?
Hello Pawsze,
Good question, but one for the Ingress Team I’m afraid as that is all in game.
Sorry I can’t help
They will go automatically but it may take a day or two
@PkmnTrainerJ yeah but this portals gone 4 days ago and i sill have the keys to them
They will go eventually. When Niantic mistakenly deleted one of the Camp Navarro Wayspots in Antarctica I think some Agents managed to hang on to keys for about a week.