Saat ini,saya akan memutuskan untuk tidak mengirimkan nominasi lagi. Entah apa yang salah, setiap buat nominasi pasti selalu gagal. Awal mulai itu sangat keren, tapi untuk yang kesekian kalinya. Saya merasakan kejenuhan dan kebosanan. Thanks pogo sudah menemani akhir tahun ini. 
Rasa lelah dan waktu yang ku habiskan.
Bagaimana menurut mu?
Your images haven’t uploaded. Can you try again
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hey there, someone incorrectly rejected your nomination for containing body parts, because there’s a person on your supporting photo. The criteria for the supporting photo are not as strict as those for the main photo (if you can, having persons in the supporting photo should still be avoided however).
I have trouble to judge this myself, but my recommendation would be to try with a new supporting photo, without any visible people, if possible