Hey everyone i hope you all are doing well. Im doing “great” after reviewing 220 Nominations and i find common problem that exist. When people nominating board, Mosque, or playground. Some of them are capture half of it in the picture. They’re not full as they should be and its uncommon to come across. All of these nominations i have review fall into my “inaccurate photo or low quality”
There were recent debate going on among our group. When we’re nominating something. We saudi support each others on nomination, however i have kept myself neutral. When i told a person you should bring the playground in full picture. It cause some debate in the groupchat but it handled pretty easily.
You see people in my country nominate things saperately. Let’s take a mosque for example. The nominate mosque first (the bottom half) the minarah (Aka Mosque Tower or pillar) gets nominated saperately oh and if there is a mini generic sign for the mosque. This will also get nominated saperately and im like why cant you guys nominate the entire masjid Saperately?!
When people are nominating restaurant or businesses. They put half of the board on picture and its triggers me and i give them no to the accuracy because these photos are not accurate.
Now the questions is. What can be done about half photos? It should be added to Niantic rejection criteria.
I agree that these are not good photos. But I can tell what the nomination is for, and would not reject for that reason. There are several of these that I would most likely reject for content though.
I saw in another discussion that you are concerned that they are submitting half photos in order to submit the other half separately. If reviewers are following guidelines, they will mark the other half as a duplicate.
I will discuss this issue in this thread tomorrow because this is pretty common with Mosques. I will explain everything with how some players abuse Nomination and divide single worship place into 3 nominations.
For now i have to take rest and its night time for me
It is quite common where I am for church, mosque, park etc to have more than one spot.
It may be statue, spire, tower, actual building, signage, grotto, prayer corner, yarning circle etc. When, they are spaced far enough apart. Playground may have fitness station, dog area, memorial etc.
Nominators are following guidelines that do provide for multiples where “separated” and far enough apart. It works well and is usually better for the game players who fund everything.
I do not usually penalise nominators for photos that are imperfect. It’s hard enough making sure there are no persons etc visible as a point of interest is often a point of interest. Also the nominators are volunteers and doing us all a favour. So, yes, I do make allowances and pics can be updated later.
I do get frustrated with the supporting photos at times as they often don’t support. But, hey, volunteers with no training having a go. I try to remember not to be too critical. There is a “skip” choice.
Ok so here is what im talking about. A single Masjid is divided into 3 Pieces. A mosque should be nominated as 1 whole building. Not 3 waypoints.
I pull 1 of them from review.
In my opinion mosque should be nominated as 1 whole building. No these people are nominating Minarah, Sign, and half down building saperately.
This is becoming a common problem that Niantic needs to address. Are we letting these nominations go thru?
Those examples have nothing to do with the photos… any of those photos are perfectly fine on their own… and theres no ruling that a Mosque can only have 1 waypoint.
I don’t think those pictures are great by any means. The old rating system I would probably give a “3*” out of “5*” to convey that the photo was not of great quality, but I wouldn’t outright reject.
I think one thing that the / system gets wrong is that it makes people feel like it’s a binary “yes/no the photo or text is great” when sometimes “good enough” is, well, good enough. In the current system, I would rate “IDK” as neutral for your examples, assuming criteria otherwise checks out. I agree it can be problematic when somebody tries to come along and add something associated with the candidate but the “other half” but, as Roli mentioned, that can be reviewed on its own merit and sometimes duplicated.
To the “multiple points of interest” - we can’t give absolute answers to it, but there will always be ways that buildings can gain multiple POI. Stained glass art is not uncommon on churches or worship buildings where I am, and I consider those works of art that fall under “exploration” and eligible to be a separate POI from the church. Some have ornate statues or architecture. Sometimes the signs are artistic or provide community announcements. It’s too hard to simply say “a church may only have # POI” and disenfranchising to limit it at 1. Conversely, I know I’ve disagreed with others who strictly consider stained glass or belltowers to be physically connected to a building and duplicates. I don’t think either of us is wrong, just expressing different judgement.
I’m glad you’re speaking up with examples. If you see more, feel free to continue sharing them for feedback, even if you’ve already completed a review.