Algún consejo?

Alguna sugerencia para que puedan aprobar una pokeparada, ya que es mi primera contribución.

Hello and welcome,

First off, you are not submitting stops, despite what PoGo says. What you are submitting are Wayspots. When a Wayspot is approved, it’s added to the Lightship map. All Niantic games use the Lightship map to determine game play locations, with the exception being Power Spots. Every game has their own density/inclusion rules, with PoGo using S2 cells and Ingress using a 20 meter rule. So, just to let you know in advance, even if your Wayspot is approved, it may not be included in PoGo due to the density rules. More information on S2 cells can be found here:

When you nominate a new Wayspot, it goes into the queue for review, first by the ML, the AI system. ML does make decisions on nominations, so it can approve, reject, or send to community review. ML usually makes a decision within 24 hours, but I’ve seen it take up to 48 hours.

If ML decides to have the community review it, it’s reviewed by other Wayfarers in your area, typically the country you live in. There’s no set timeframe for the community to come to a decision, as Niantic doesn’t reveal how many votes are needed. It could take days, weeks, months, even years is not uncommon.

The best thing you can do is review nominations yourself, as this will help keep the community queue down, as well as help you to get upgrades. Upgrades can be applied to nominations and open them up to a larger review area, which can help get it resolved faster. For each 100 agreements you receive, you get 1 upgrade. More information on agreements and upgrades can be found here:

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Hello and welcome @ALBERTMONTT

Thanks for asking your question.:grinning:

The first thing you will learn is that there is a lot to learn about wayfarer. The onboarding cartoons are just the tip of the iceberg there is a lot more under the water.

If your question is about making submissions ….
As well as the advice above, this is a really useful article to read

As you read through please feel free to ask questions. And if you want to ask about something you are considering submitting we will be happy to help.

If it’s about reviewing then by reading about what makes a good submission above it will help you decide if what you are looking at in review is good.
There is information about the different criteria available in Criteria Clarification Collection
But the bottom line is do ask questions.