Appeal rejected reports

  • Wayspot Title: Grady Shelton D.V.M. Bench

  • Location (lat/lon): 47.448865,-122.460367

  • City: Vashon, WA 98070

  • Country: US

  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information):

  • Additional Information (if any): this bench is not to be found at the current location indicated.

I don’t have a Scaniverse Splat of the area, would that help?

This missing bench isn’t really a problem, other than I want a good experience for all players.

The screenshot I see is of where you submitted the report. Do you have a screenshot of the report being rejected?

A splat wouldn’t hurt, but I have never made one:

Oops, wrong screenshot… here’s the right one

If you can’t do a splat, then you could do some dated location tagged photos for this appeal. The bench still appears to be there on Street View, so the team will need some evidence that this isn’t there, since it does still appear to be there on Street View dated 2021.

(I have no say in the appeal, just trying to help you make the best case.)

A photo of the area showing the bench doesn’t exist would be fine. Splats are not required, and I use photos all the time for removal requests (I upload them to a 3rd party service and provide the link in the comment box).

You can still provide a photo here, as staff may need that proof to remove this Wayspot. Street View does show a bench in this area, so at least a photo showing the bench is no longer there is needed.

I’ll go back and double check, I think I might have been looking further down the block. If it’s still there I’ll grab a scaniverse, if it’s actually missing I’ll share photos.

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if it is still there, then the rejected report was accurate. let us know if it is so this appeal can be marked solved!

Even if it’s still there, it doesn’t meet current removal criteria. It’s possible that this bench was added when memorial benches were allowed, but that criteria was clarified in May 2024, and they are no longer eligible. However, they don’t meet removal criteria, which is more strict and limited to the options on the removal request screen, and no longer meeting criteria is not a removal reason.

Also wanted to add the image from IITC, as it’s the same bench as on Street View:

Also want to add that this appears to possibly be a unique bench, with a cutout of horses as the back rest, which makes sense for a veterinarian or DVM.

I also did a web search for Dr Shelton, and he was well known for research into different animal diseases, especially feline leukemia. Here’s an article I found:

If this bench is still there, I would look into updating the description, as all it lists is the city the bench is located in. Using this article for inspiration may help with that.

Thanks for the appeal, @spencerpro. Due to insufficient evidence, we’re unable to remove the Wayspot in question. If you have additional evidence to share like geotagged images or photospheres, please submit a new appeal with additional information and we’ll take another look.

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It’s sad that it was removed, I wish I could find where it was relocated to.

But you didn’t provide evidence that it’s not there anymore. Just a photo of that area showing the bench has been removed will do as your additional evidence.

Tes, it’s a neat bench, but even if you found it and asked for a location edit via help chat, they’d still need some evidence of its new location, such as a photo of the bench with the surrounding area.

Staff want to make sure they are making accurate decisions, as it’s important that the map be as accurate as possible. Like LC noted, once additional evidence is provided, staff can take another look into this.

BTW, here’s one of my removal request appeals for a mural that was removef. I made sure to take a photo of the building showing it was no longer there, and the Wayspot was removed.

Created new appeal as requested, included video of the area where the bench used to be.

I know they say to start a new appeal, but you actually don’t, just for the future. You can add onto your previous appeal. I don’t know why staff says to start a new one, but most just add onto the appeals they already posted.

Its a lot easier to address new posts than to sift through posts that have already been marked as resolved… such posts can get lost between the cracks.

Mods, staff, and the OP can remove the Solution check.

I was simply providing insight on why it may be preferred method. Can it be done otherwise yes, but it has its possible cons.

And the cons I see is clogging up the forums with unneeded threads…

I’ve made my point, and I’m moving on. This didn’t need to start.

I mean its not my policy to change, i was merely answering your question that you posed i dont know why it turned into a discussion.