Wayspot Title: Memory of Grady Shelton D.V.M. Bench
Location (lat/lon) : 47.448865,-122.460367
City: Vashon
Country: US
Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information) :
must have been removed recently because it’s still in street view. I’d like to track down where it was moved to.
Didn’t you already appeal this: Appeal rejected reports
Do you have new evidence that it is not there?
Thanks for the appeal, @spencerpro . Due to insufficient evidence, we’re unable to remove the Wayspot in question. If you have additional evidence to share like geotagged images or photospheres, please submit a new appeal with additional information and we’ll take another look.
[edit again: did not see the link to the apple cloud thing]
Yes, this is a duplicate, and no, new evidence has yet to be provided. Hopefully a mod can close this thread or merge them.
I do see that you were told to open a new appeal, but only with new evidence, which I don’t see. Even a simple photo that shows that this bench is not in front of this store could help. But I don’t see where you have provided that.
A photo from across the street showing these buildings with no bench there might be enough.
[nvm - did not see the apple cloud link]
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March 3, 2025, 6:43pm
Did you watch the iCloud video?
I think that is the additional info OP is expecting Niantic to consider.
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No i did not see that - ty!
Yep that should do it.
Thanks for the appeal, @spencerpro ! After reviewing the additional evidence provided, we’ve decided to retire the Wayspot in question.
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