Appeal to Move Rudder Portal off Private Property

Rudder from steamer Lousiana is a portal with false location. It is currently deep within private residential property with signs on fence clearly stating keep out / private property. Here is the portal link:

The portal is suppose to be part of the Jacobson Museum and next to the Stone Wagon, just on the road:

I have sent a picture I shot to show its not where its suppose to be.

Please move it to the appropriate place.

Your link took me to Stone Wagon

Oh found the other: Rudder From Steamer Louisiana at 45.407395,-86.943006

Updating… the portalnis tonthe upper left… let me add more info


Okay so you are asking for a removal?

A location edit should be done through help chat on the wayfarer website at Niantic Wayfarer

A text bubble will pop up, a bot will gather information, and a human will get back to you with a decison.

It was denied… Im appealing. Or, was there someplace else? Ask to have it moved. Tried for over 2 years

so you are appealing the denied removal report? okay this is the right place for that. tbh idk where to appeal a denied help chat location edit. that is a good question.

The location is greater than 30 feet

No, the portal exists, its just on private property. It was moved there because its private and practically no cell signal. It needs to be moved a great distance

As @cyndiepooh suggested, please log in to your Wayfarer account and click on the Help tab to report issues related to photos, abuse reports, and location edits that exceed 10 meters. image

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