Church Builders Plus wayspot name change rejected but it should not have been

Church Builders Plus
40.11352187940656, -85.65693421438611
Anderson, IN
United States

This wayspot should be renamed as it is no longer Church Builders Plus, it is now Plainsong Music Services, LLC. Google maps will also confirm this. The street address is 1812 University Blvd, Anderson, IN 46012. This building was purchased buy the company Plainsong Music Services, LLC and it is no longer Church Builders Plus.


As inconvenient as it can be, Niantic’s stance on this is that we’re supposed to get the wayspot for the non-existing place (Church Builders Plus) removed, and then nominate the new business/organization (Plainsong…) approved.

Personally I find that very awkward and difficult to do, but for now that’s how Niantic wants it done.


As noted by the other community member, you need to request removal for the business that is no longer there. Then you can submit a new nomination for the new business if you believe that it fits the criteria for a good way spot.In other words, is this new business a great place to exercise, to explore, or to socialize? It was the original business that was approved as a way spot not just the physical location . The reason you have to remove the other particularly when the business changes is that the new business may not meet any of those criteria.


That’s not 100% accurate. I just submitted a name change for another wayspot in my town and it was accepted without removing the original wayspot and nominating a new wayspot.

That you succeeded in renaming doesn’t change that that’s not how Niantic wants it done.

i’d prefer the renaming route in most cases, personally.

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If it goes to the community, they don’t always follow the rules established here on the forum. It has been well established here that Niantic considers “repurposing” to be abuse. If the Wayspot has changed, you should report it for removal and resubmit it, if you believe the new thing meets criteria.


Found a link explaining from Aaron:

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So your response is 100% accurate, but the name change for the wayspot I submitted a few weeks ago wasn’t handled as such. I guess whoever handled it let it slide.

That makes sense. I don’t want to go against Niantic, but when seeing it handled differently in two instances, it made me question things.

Absolutely understand that! Glad you asked here. Don’t want you to suddenly get in trouble for doing something the way you have always done it.

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The two instances in question are my first submissions for changes ever. Yes, I’m always going to ask questions or at least say, hey, this didn’t happen the same, rather than making assumptions.

Welcome to the forum, btw! I forgot to say :hugs:

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Thank you, thanks to @jojenreed64 for the initial welcome, and thanks to @Leedle95 for expanding on @jojenreed64’s post.


Thanks for the appeal, @Alurbasrblng2us. After reviewing the additional evidence provided, we’ve decided to retire the Wayspot in question.