Cooldowns immediately when reviewing this morning

Same issue, still fair, around 110 reviews yesterday, 24h cooldown after 3 easy pics reviews this morning :confused:
I hope we will become extended times, and not just few hours, challenge ends @10PM in western Europe


Same here… Did 48 in that challenge before, but today i get an error after each submission, clicked ok on them.
After 3 submissions I get that 24h cooldown screen.
I am at “great”. (“super” in German)


Same issue, more than 300 reviews, 24h cooldown after 3 easy pics reviews this morning

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No wayspot to review loaded for me, so I hit retry, didn’t work, hit retry again, got 24 hour cooldown.

So I got a cooldown without even reviewing.



Less than 20 reviews today and I get this. (Did over 200 since the start of the challenge with no problems.) Had to hit the retry button at least 3 times after every nomination, more often 5+ or completely refresh the page to get it to load the next nomination. Very frustrating to have to miss an entire day of reviewing in a time-limited challenge.
(Status is still Great too, FYI.)


You got 3 I got locked out after one…frustrating

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Just adding to the account, this morning got a 24h cooldown after 1 review and many retry error messages

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same for agent called: TwilightZon3r
He got bounding balloon
Then a location edit where the map didn’t load.
After refresh he got a 24h cooldown

He’s got 200 challenge reviews and would like to get to the 500 for the OPR Live badge.

Hope for him (and other reviewers in this case) that either the cooldown can be removed once all problems on the platform are solved
or even better: 1 day will be added to the challenge due to the current performance issues.


I got the same thing but didn’t get to review anything. They need to fix their website. I am still at great.


Same here. 24 hrs cooldown immediately after 2nd review this morning.

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Yep same here like many others, hit with the 24hr after 2 reviews. Hope we get an extension for this mess


Same. This was what happened to me.

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I have the same issue. Did 2 reviews this morning and got locked for 24h.

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Same here, out of nowhere I’m getting a 24h cooldown


I got it too today after about 6 reviews, but getting through those was tough in itself as the site was glitching and throwing up errors after each one. It seemed to be struggling today


I got the same thing only it was after just 1 review and that 1 was tough to do because I repeatedly got errors and kept going back and trying over. I did skip one review because it was in a completely different language. I believe it was Japanese, which I don’t speak. My status is good.


After repeatly waiting with the ballon bouncing and then finally one location check, 24 hours of cooling. In addition account wich also usually shows zero and only works, when it feels like it. Why do I still look forward to challenges?

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Same here this morning. Couple of balloons and retrys and a 24 hour cooldown. I’m still “great”.

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Dear Nia,
could you provide us with another update on the situation?
Thanks a lot😊

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Not NIA, but I got a cool down this morning, and I just checked and it pulled up a photo edit for me to review. Not sure if I should keep going or wait until they announce the issue’s fixed though…

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