Cooldowns immediately when reviewing this morning

Many reviewers got an almost immediate 24 h cooldown this morning after completing 2-3 reviews.

I for myseld did around 100 reviews yesterday and now got a “Come back tomorrow” message and then the “24 h cooldown” after 3 simple edits. :exploding_head:

Anyone else experiencing such behaviour? Certainly makes it impossible to participate in a 7 day challenge if random 24 h cooldowns are handed out.


Yes, I just got cooldown to after 1 Edit and 2 Easy to deny Nominations

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@forzacomo @GalactoPokemon
Can you both confirm what status you are at on your profile great, fair etc
And GalactoPokemon can you confirm that yours was a 24 hour one.

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I am still at great.

Just got the same 24 hr cooldown after 5 reviews.
Currently on great status.
After each review I was getting the retry screen.



Thanks I will raise the issue.
However as San Francisco is currently asleep I don’t expect a fast resolution.


same here
24h cd after reviewing two photo edit
come back tomorrow
Kinda ironic

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Sorry for the inconvenience. We have escalated this issue internally and will follow-up as soon as we have an update.


And now im suddenly on Good after being on Great.

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Same, got an immediate couple of retry messages and then 24 hour cooldown. Am on a great rating.


Hello, same issue 2 hours ago for me. I’m on poor currently

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After 2 reviews i got a 24 hours ban too, now stuck at 65 reviews. Before the ban it took quite a long time for new reviews to come. The same issue like @trynottothink described.
My rating is still great.


Approx 250 event reviews yesterday. Reviewed this morning 2 more and got 24 hours cooldown message. Still ranked as Great.


Got 24-hour cooldown after 80 reviews today. Ranked from Great to Good.

I just did 2 reviews - one for a new pokestop and one just for picture approval and got a 24hr ban. My ranking is still Great but this is kinda demotivating

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Same here. Cooldown after 3 reviews; A dive bar, an Italian restaurant and a military memorial. Now says I can’t review for 24 hours. Pretty awful to deal with during a challenge.

Did 200+ reviews yesterday no problem

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Same here. Did 2 reviews, then some communication error with “try again”, after clicking 3 or 4 times I got locked in Cooldown.

Ranking is Great.

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I was also hit with this cooldown last night around 6 PM Pacific time. After taking a few hours’ break, coming back and completing 2-3 photo reviews, the cooldown hit me. Rating is still “Great” on my profile.


Got also 24 hrs cooldown after 2 reviews today around 12.00 hr MEZ, yesterday no problem ok was Slow 150 rev. Status is great

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