Bug Reports should include the following and any additional information you feel is necessary to aid in the investigation of the bug.
- Description of the issue: The Criteria Clarification Collection is not linked from the Criteria page
- Date first (or most recently) experienced: I just experienced this moments ago, but I’m sure it has always been an issue (though perhaps someone will show up with evidence that this is actually a regression)
- Device type, model, and operating system: It’s still not relevant. I’m not going to even say it this time. Stay mad if you want to fixate on this. No, I’m not going to try restarting my phone.
- Game & Game Version (if applicable): Wayfarer, 5-17-0-75405e56-Aug-07-09-15
Oh my goodness! @NvlblNm was just trying to help me find a clarification that overhead things are eligible (he did - under help/location guidelines) but the whole “is it under help, or under criteria, or somewhere else” issue is real! I spent a half an hour trying to find that simple statement and couldn’t.
The forum criteria clarifications are linked on the Wayfarer site, but under Help instead of under Criteria - and why are there two separate sections for those anyway?
It is linked in the Help section, which I find to be better than the Criteria section anyways. I also believe with the Wayspot Criteria info in the Help Center these days that Niantic may be moving away from the Criteria section; there are no photos anymore in the Help Center for Criteria. Don’t be surprised if Criteria is removed as a link in Wayfarer and everything is under help in the future.
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That is what we said. I would love to get away from the confusion of separate “Help” and “Criteria” sections, especially with a “Criteria” section within the “Help” section.
I think it will eventually happen, but like all things Wayfarer, it may take some time…
Also, there have been some that have complained about the photos in Criteria not meeting Niantic’s own criteria when they are just examples. I think this is why the photos were removed from Help and the Help Center, so just another reason to either remove Criteria or update it to the current info in the Help Center.
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