Duplicate Wayspot - Information Plaque for Existing Wayspot

  • Wayspot Title: Biripi Country Plaque
  • Location: -31.943498, 152.471459
  • City: Glenthorne, New South Wales
  • Country: Australia
  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email:
  • Additional Information:

The “Biripi Country Plaque” wayspot is the accompanying information plaque that explains the different elements of the nearby wood carving wayspot “Aboriginal Elders”. This makes them part of the same point of interest rather than separate ones. You can see in the two screenshots below that both wayspots share photos of the same objects.

In the below location tagged photo you can see the wood carving with the information plaque right beneath it.

The “Aboriginal Elders” wayspot is correctly located in front of the Taree Service Centre so I reported the “Biripi Country Plaque” wayspot as the duplicate.

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Thanks for the appeal, @hikaru588. After reviewing the additional evidence provided, we’ve decided to retire the Wayspot in question.

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