I rejected this as “Generic business” but now see it is live:
Was I wrong?
If this is in the Boston area (I can’t remember if you’re helping them), you’re fighting an uphill battle telling them they can’t have their DD wayspots. I would also reject this for Generic Business.
Oh, it looks like it’s not Boston. Sorry, Bostonians.
I got nothing.
I’m assuming it’s also because it falls well within both the eligibility and acceptance criteria (favorite coffee shop / a place to be social with others).
It’s kind of generic, but it depends on the context of the region, so it might have some merit.
It is a brand new DD per the supporting info. It has not had time to meet " * Favorite coffee shops" per Niantic Wayfarer
or per this
Just a plea for pokestops. I will copy and paste the supporting:
This is a new to the area Dunkin’ Donuts. Its a great place to meet up and hang out and get some coffee. This is a more rural area so pokestops are definitely needed.
Looks like a generic business to me.
But there’s a lot of discontinuity in what qualifies as a portal. I certainly don’t understand the political machinations behind it all.
I’m submitting a lot of things that look like portals to me after 10 years of playing ingress and I’m seeing them declined… despite being substantially similar to many other nearby portals. I don’t get it.
this is why i am trying to review by criteria and not by what i see accepted. it is frustrating on both sides of the review process.
Criteria has been refined a lot over 10 years. Things that were accepted when the system began are no longer being accepted now.
AFAICT, even the criterion are being applied haphazardly.
One of the clear deficits of “crowd sourced” reviewing is a lack of continuity. I’m seeing a lot of that on NextDoor which has essentially crowd sourced their moderating. Things that are clearly counter to criterion are being accepted, presumably due to popularity. And things that are within criterion are being bounced for no obvious reason.
I’m seeing that same lack of continuity here as well.
I’m seeing some of that. Rural areas appear to be penalized heavily. Urban areas are getting portals for simple graffiti.
it seems like a lot of those are being removed when reported. i see a lot of Wayspot Appeals asking for their graffiti back.
i think this is a good step forward to getting people to understand criteria. usually just not meeting criteria is not enough for a removal.
I can see that happening to places that joined in late. Honestly, “generic business” is a subjective term in and on itself, so it does fall to the person submitting the spot to provide adequate info, which they did not.
I’d say the rural area is doing a lot of heavy-lifting on this one. A brand new, generic-looking business could be unique depending on the context.
I live in a small countryside town, and we don’t have a single fast-food chain in this place. If someone decided to open a McDonald’s here, it would be the biggest sensation for months.
If a place with NOTHING got a DD, I might consider it something special, even new, as in your example.
This reads to me as the type of text @NianticAaron warned us is an “abusive” beg and game reference. I’m… Fairly confident that community voters would not accept this type of nomination, so perhaps it was appealed and approved?
Is there a way we could get feedback on this matter?
Hmm… Let me address the “more rural area” claim by the submitter with this image of where the wayspot is (outlined in yellow ring)
Meme “you keep using that word [rural], I don’t think you know what it means”
For what it’s worth, I do get it, and these can often be industrial parks or business zones in deserts… But I usually find it rather insincere to claim any suburb of a metro a “rural” area.
That said, I do submit, review, and support rural areas, and even certain areas like this, where criteria allows.