Rejected Starbucks nominations

Please provide:

  • A screenshot of your nomination, including rejection reasons if it has already been rejected
  • Include the title, description, both photos, and supplemental information
  • Copy and paste the title, description and supplemental so others can translate them
  • If you feel comfortable please share the location, as it is helpful (i.e. hidden duplicates), but you can mask it if you wish.

I have shared the information from my rejection, including a gps view of the nomination next to NATIONAL FOOD CHAIN!
This is the second Starbucks I’ve had rejected, yet I’ve had 2 accepted and I submit just about the same title, topic, description every single time.
Can someone please explain this to me?


There could be a number of reasons… one of which is that Starbucks has sponsorships with Niantic in some countries and in order to protect the opportunities to gain sponsorships in other countries, it will be hard to get them approved. (My explaination may not be the best worded, but am hoping I am near the mark).

Plus with the amount of money Starbucks charge for their drinks, is it really a great place to socialise? :grimacing:


You did not share your rejection reasons, so I can’t tell you if this was an ML (machine learning ai) model rejection or a community decision.

The tool tip under Appropriate in the review flow says that chains are to be rejected as “Generic business” without some other significance as mentioned here:

Plus, you took the main photo to include a vehicle with a car door open in it, indicating it was your car, and opening the review up to the “Submitter identifiable” rejection reason.

I know the prompt asks why this would be a good Pokestop, but you are actually submitting a Wayspot, and should avoid any mention of why this would be a good game location. Instead, your supporting text should say how this meets Wayspot criteria of a great place to exercise, explore, or be social. Plus any extra information reviewers may need to be confident your submission is what and where you say it is.


You have submitted a poor quality photo and description that mentions a specific Niantic game. When reviewers see these things, we are supposed to reject the nomination.

In addition, Starbucks is an international chain, and every store is more or less the same. You haven’t given any information about what makes this Starbucks especially unique. Generic businesses, where if you have visited one you have pretty much had the same experience you would have at any one of them, are a rejection reason.

A generic business could be eligible if you explain why it is a unique place or experience - for example, the first Starbucks ever built would be a landmark destination people might go out of their way to visit.

Many Starbucks locations have murals inside. If the mural is hand painted and unique to that location, nominate the mural.

The description should be a neutral, factual description of what the point of interest is, where it is, and what makes it unique. This description will appear in whichever games Niantic’s inclusion rules allow the point of interest to appear in (you are not just nominating a PokéStop, you are nominating a Wayspot that could appear in multiple games).

Including words or phrases related to specific Niantic games is grounds for rejecting your description.


Just to correct a wrong impression you have of the submission. The text in the acknowledgment email does not clearly distinguish the description from the supplementary information. It probably doesn’t matter to the individual but when thit gets posted on this forum like this it appears as one block of text - so it’s not helpful.

So there are references to PokemonGo in the supplementary info. @Sunshinepoo these shouldn’t lead to a rejection. However some reviewers may mark you down so it’s best to leave them out. As has been said that space is best used to explain t why the particular nomination meets criteria.

I didn’t address this piece of your original post. Nominations do get accepted incorrectly sometimes. Just like you did not understand that this was a generic business that should not have been submitted, whoever (or maybe whatever) reviewed the accepted ones did not understand that being a chain business is grounds for rejection, at least without some other detail of how this specific one does meet criteria for the local community.


Oops, yes, I read that all as the description. Thanks for clarifying for me and OP.


@elijustrying @cyndiepooh @P1dg3ySlayer @friday

This is my very first time using this forum. I appreciate everyone being so kind and informative. I have taken everyone’s advice and I will attempt to submit the nomination again! I appreciate all of you :pray:


I wouldn’t submit Starbucks again to be honest. I would find a more interesting place to submit…


Starbucks paid Niantic a specific amount of money to have stops at a specific number of stores.

If they want stops at more stores, they should revisit their contract prices, numbers, locations.

Starbucks is a very rare case because they have a sponsorship. Without them giving money to Niantic, they don’t qualify. (Except maybe a few exceptions listed above.)

When the sponsorship ends, those spots will all go away.
When the Circle-K sponsorship ended, Niantic removed even Circle-K wayspots that gamers had added.